halloween in the village '09

What might have been an impressive photographic foray into the heart of craziness of Halloween in the Village… got rained out. One does not take $3300 worth of camera out in the weather casually. So under the shelter of Lee’s umbrella (Suz was very kind to share) I snapped a bunch of frames at the streams of costumed freaks in retreat. We didn’t get to actually see the parade with our own eyes, but we never really expected to. It’s a pretty major thing, and we didn’t even hook up til 8 or so. From what I’ve seen since on TV, the rain didn’t affect the masses along 5th– still thousands strong. It’s not a cold night. Just wet. So everybody put on a good show.





Next year, we’ll participate. This year, I was home by 9:30 and very happy to peel off the drenched layers and warm up. Though I would not have objected to another look at Jessica Rabbit. rowr.

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Staying at Chez Baran is never dull. Jack and I knocked a few back til 4am talking about oh, whatever. Introduced me to Tuaca. Delightful. Yes, that is the word.


And then I got up for another quickie shoot at Redken. A two-parter, total of maybe four hours. No problem. Easy. Then Lee and I smacked down some more great script dev – we solved a problem I’ve been wrestling with for ages. It’s all coming together for this particular project. An actual shooting script for the pilot is pretty much the next step from here. I got a chill just now. Oh yes.

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