almost there


I just may have intertubes in My Place tomorrow! FiOS = 35/20mbps shapow. For a tiny little TV and punky little speakers with my lame little laptop. And not a single PS3 or Wii. I may or may not be playing quite freely with words here.

Then I have hopes of doing some proper updating. Pics and things of adventures and visits. I’ll tackle that as I can, around trips back to Canada and to the Dominican Republic, tucked around a visit from Matt, all snugged in against the usual mad work schedule.


almost there Read More »

Adrian resides in the NYC

Deep (deep) in the heart of the Financial District, in a grand old lady called 20 Exchange Place, Adrian takes up residence this Friday. He becomes not just a couch surfer of, but resident of Manhattan.

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My place isn’t big. Bigger than my first place in Vancouver, though. And the building, as I said, is a grand old lady. Well… I should qualify. She’s a grand old lady on the outside, but a seriously high class sleek sexy bitch on the inside. Empire details and last-week-modern amenities. That will do, yes sir. That will do.

If I could afford a murphy bed, I would totally do that thing. But I can spend less than half the money and get a bed the queen herself wouldn’t object to sleeping in. Probably. So, no murphy and I’ll just have to work that out. See, the space isn’t just my cave. Mine & Thomas’, anyway. It’s also a workspace. And not just like an office, but actually for editing. So she needs the kickass sound system and monitor-grade TV and a very comfy couch. I’ll figure it all out. My initial estimate for the essentials was over $5000. Will have to make some decisions, clearly.

Tomorrow I check out this FiOS business with Verizon. Could be a hundred bucks a month. Yikes. But daddy needs ludicrous speed and so called Road Runner just ain’t up to it. We’ll see.

These are Good Days. Bit of a roller coaster with qualifying for a place and juggling the bank process and figuring out not only how much it costs to live here, but how much it’s going to cost just to get started living here. There have been great moments of elation and even giddiness. But then there’s the intimidation of over two thousand dollars a month just for rent.

That said, anyone reading this already knows I’m a cocky fella. I’m going to make movies. Good ones.

More news after I get the keys.

Adrian resides in the NYC Read More »