Quality Time Out(s)

When I returned from the epic and epically productive Chaos Complex Creative Camp in Cayman, I zipped up to BC to steal some quality time with M. We only had a few days (I had another shoot coming up fast), but we made them count. We even made it over to the island to visit the folks and take a quick walk around Englishman River Falls. Marjorie and I promised we’d have no more of this 4+ weeks apart business, so if four days was all we could get, we’d take ’em. It’s important. And every single day, I wake up appreciating the abundant wealth of my life, and a big part of that is having a job that lets me do that.

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Three weeks later, I’m off to Vancouver again this Thurs. Marjorie and I are going to enjoy some more quality time. CP & Brad are getting married, and Yours is the official photographer (with M as wrangler with my undying and unbounded thanks). Then I’ve been tapped to shoot the promo and staff kit for M’s work, which will be just as much fun, no doubt. And she’s wrangling for me again! Before I know it, she’ll be a veteran and calling the shots. She’s already expressed an interest (unsolicited!) in learning more about the art. That, my friends, tickles me to no end. I cannot describe how much I love this girl. Words pale.

And then, after the hubbabubbabub of all the shooting settles (and the solemn and contemplative observance of somebody’s birthday), we pack up a car and drive down the coast a ways. Gonna go see what Oregon looks like this time of year. Feel some sand between the toes. Pacific sand. It’s been a while! And there’s no one on the planet or anywhere else I’d rather do it with. Life is good.

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