Lux DeLuxe
Taylor Fladgate Tawny Port. 30 years in a wood cask. Worth every second. Worth every penny.
In other, even better news, Marjorie landed last night. So far so perfect.
Taylor Fladgate Tawny Port. 30 years in a wood cask. Worth every second. Worth every penny.
In other, even better news, Marjorie landed last night. So far so perfect.
The pics from the sailing adventure to Gabriola have been up at Flickr for a while, but then there was a major blog overhaul and I didn’t get around to posting them here. And part of that overhaul is pulling the Flickr feed functionality (at least for now). So I’m not sure what I will do with my Flickr account, frankly… I’m shortly ditching Facebook (so very tired of the privacy abuses) and this blog has been my home on the web since ’02 (or check out the earliest view on the Wayback Machine – wow) , so it makes sense to keep stuff gathered here as much as possible.
So anyway, Gabriola Island: just across the Strait of Georgia from Bowen Island and Horseshoe Bay. This was my first time sailing since the nineties, and while we didn’t drift over a pod of killer whales this time (awesome humbling experience) it was still thrilling and pure balm to the soul. I tried to be helpful though I’m sure I could have been a better student for Marjorie. David said I could come back anytime. I reckon that’s an endorsement if ever there was one.
Maybe more of the story later, like the kayaking or the seals or the sailing at 45 degrees, or more about those amazing and mysterious rocks. But for now, and without further such and such, the pictures.
While I figure out just how much integration with Flickr I feel like wrangling, I’m going to tuck the pics from the Kimberley adventure right here. I know, you’ve probably already seen these from before the blog got overhauled, but for the moment I’ve booted Flickr out in favour of keeping everything in one place. That’s still under review, so don’t go getting comfortable. I still would like to get the story down as well, but as I said before, I need another brain to help out. So, pics first, stories later.