There are thousands of pictures from the wedding and our Italian honeymoon, and I will get to them, but I needed to share this one first. I am rich beyond my dreams. Thank you, Marjorie.
There are thousands of pictures from the wedding and our Italian honeymoon, and I will get to them, but I needed to share this one first. I am rich beyond my dreams. Thank you, Marjorie.
I’m married! To Marjorie! We’re in Venice! Last night we laughed, wondering where exactly this whole thing appears on each of our Top 5000 Things Least Likely To Happen about 5 years ago. Two years ago, of course, I had already decided. Oh yes. Done deal.
I promise stories. And more pictures. You can see the first few from the wedding at Marjorie And Adrian under the Photos drop down menu. Wi-Fi is easy enough to find in Italy so far, but time… not so much. We have to go catch a train for Florence. That’s Firenze to the locals.