Gramma, Grampa, and Avery Peppermint

full steam

Gramma, Grampa, and Avery Peppermint

Gramma and Grampa Taverner are headed back home in the morning.  That flew by.  Next time they see Avery she’ll be playing basketball!  A chubby six foot basketball player!

She hasn’t had any trouble with feeding since last night’s return-to-sender.  We reckon we just gave her too much – she kept drinking, so we kept trying to fill the tank.  We think we’ve found the rhythm now.  It will be a week of catching sleep maybe three hours at a stretch, spaced with one hour (45?) feedings.  If I don’t answer the phone before 11, you’ll know why.

Little Peppermint seems happier – and I’ll be danged if her belly ain’t twice the size it was this time yesterday.  Tomorrow it will all be baby fat.  Goodbye chicken wings!  She’ll be a Christmas Turkey just in time!  She’s calm and sociable, and all around seems back on track.  Whew.  More news as it happens.

There was a ton of other stuff I wanted to chat about, but here’s making good on my promise to go to bed earlier.  Bbye!

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Blue Peppermint


Blue Peppermint

The Artist Ponders Her Muse.

Darling Avery was active last night.  I think we got about two hours sleep.  I have learned my lesson.  No epic post tonight.

We had a long night with her.  It wasn’t bad – she wasn’t screaming.  Just up and hungry.  And when I say “frequently”, keep in mind that from what we hear, this is more like typical.  So I’m not complaining.  But two hours sleep.  Bleh.

At our pediatrician appointment today, we received the usual round of OMGhowadorable and WhatAHealthyGirl, and Marjorie finally said, “So I’m wondering about her weight.  She nurses well, she has lots of energy, she seems very happy, but she seems small to me.”  The doc took another look, and replied, “Yep, she should be heavier.”

Thanks, doc.  Glad Marjorie spoke up so we didn’t leave for a month assuming all was well.

All is well.  Don’t panic.  Avery is tall – in the 96th percentile.  She’s healthy.  She’s happy.  All is good in the woods.  But she’s on the lean side of normal.  So, we are now supplementing with formula.  I’m excited.  Problem detected and solution implemented.  Let’s pack on the poundage.  Marjorie, being the devoted and wonderful mom that she is, took it a little harder, wondering if she could be doing anything differently.

(She couldn’t – everything is awesome – we apparently just have a baby who needs rocketfuel for breakfast)

Avery was shocked to find herself in my arms when the wet nipple came knocking.  This is not my usual seat.  What’s up, yo?  But we tinkered and shuffled and persisted, and once she got past the first new flavour she’s experienced since Dada’s fingertip, she decided she liked formula well enough to gulp it down.  Slow down there, speed racer.  Take a breath.  Have a nice burping or two on the way through that bottle.  Two bottles.  Thr– holy smokes, baby.  Over six hours she had more food than she usually gets in a day.  Doctor’s orders.  Sumo-size me.  She seemed totally at peace with the world when I swaddled her for bed, and put her down in the bassinet.  We hung out for fifteen minutes or so, chatting.  Then she calmly turned her head to the side and released back into the wild what looked like two bottles worth of formula.  It just kept coming.  Awesome.  Nearly floated her away.

We cleaned up, Avery still good as gold (until Mum changed her, but that’s hardly new).  Mum gave her a good meal from the All Natural Milk Bar, and we planned to give her just an ounce or two of formula to get some calories in her, but she went down like a stone.

So.  We’re expecting a hungry girl tonight.  Thus, I must bolt, if sleep there is to be had.

p.s: We had another great visit with Gramma Di & Grampa Bob.  Avery loves socializing on a full tummy.

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flex capacity

Lookit that happy family.  The dignified grandparents.  The pretty young wife.  The giant finger monkey.  That’s my girl.

Today was going to be a quieter day.  I had lots of work to do and Marjorie was going to take it easy, maybe do some baking, hang out with her daughter.

Avery decided to work on her lung capacity for most of the afternoon.

Not that I’m complaining.  Healthy lungs are important.  I just wish (a little wish) that this sort of thing didn’t have to go hand in hand with seeing how long she could stay awake.

Ah, but she’s my bunny.  We got to spend a lot of time together today, whatever the reason.

Hey!  My Aunt Janet sent Avery a hand knit pink Australian wool sweater and booties set.  Gorgeously crafted.  She might be wearing them in time for Christmas pics.  Spring, for sure.  Stay tuned.  And Aunt Janet – thank you so much!  They’re beautiful!  The little ribbon laces on the boots!  Cute overload!

And speaking of new clothes in the mail, my mate Miguel and his fam sent a bib and t-shirt that she’ll definitely be wearing this spring.  “DJ’s Girl” on the shirt and “Eat. Sleep. Mix” on the bib.  Perfecto adoriablo.  Hugs and love to you guys.

Everyone’s generosity has been overwhelming.  Avery wouldn’t have gone without, but with all the gifts from all her fans she rides in style, yo.  I should be taking more pictures.  I will!  It’s just tricky to catch her wearing just the right outfit, awake, content, and relatively unwriggly all at the same time.  Patience.

Patience.  Ha.  Anyone holding their breath waiting for pics from the honeymoon has long since died.  Somebody should call somebody to check in on them.

Patience.  Ha.  I want to shoot the feature script starting tomorrow.  It’s ready!  We need a producer.

Patience.  Ha.  I did not think it would be this tricky to find an agent.  Maybe we are being too picky?  Send me your referrals.

You know how water piles up behind a dam?  And when the dam goes, it goes kablooie?  Around here, we are feeling like there’s a new high water mark every day, inching toward that bright red line at the top.  Things we have been lining up for years are going to start turning over soon.  We’re pretty sure we’re ready.  Pretty sure.  A nice… measured… release.

Meanwhile, every day is full, with Little Miss Peppermint at the center.  Oh – something in Dada broke this morning.  We got her back down by 7, and I figured I was up.  I wasn’t.  I went down too, and apparently I could not be stirred until just after noon.  I guess we have established that Adrian can do a broken five hours sleep a night for exactly one month.  Marjorie is much smarter.  She goes to bed around 9:30, so she’s got a few hours in the bag before Avery stirs – which is when I’m usually going to bed.  I will endeavour some learnings, and get my silly butt to bed earlier (starting tomorrow night?).  The writing partners meet tomorrow at 10am.  Can’t sleep through that.  Too much water behind the dam.

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