thom thom thom

nom nom thom

thom thom thom

I may very well print that one poster size.

The campaign to pack the pounds onto Little Peppermint continues.  She’s happy, sleeps like a log, and glows like a cherub.  Her parents are feeling the drag, though.  Feeding every three hours.  And every feeding takes around an hour.  So there’s your math.  Can’t take shifts, either.  M handles the first round, then I deliver a couple ounces in a bottle, then a final visit with Mum.  Throw in a diaper change – which might escalate to a bath (and in one case a shower).  Christie and Brad call this The Three Month Tunnel.  At least we have a nightly routine of sorts.  And she’s happy!  We go back to the pediatrician on Thursday for another weigh-in, and after that we can play around with the schedule a bit.  Her tummy will have stretched, so she can eat more at a go, and sleep longer between.  Maybe something approaching the first few weeks.  A man can hope.

While waiting for a bottle to warm up today I introduced her to her thumb and she loved it with enthusiasm for a couple minutes before it slipped out of her mouth and she couldn’t find it again.  Adorable.

We successfully filed the application for Avery’s US passport today.  Took ages in the lineup despite only two parties in front of us.  But once we got up there it took a while to get a good pic of Avery, so fair enough.  It just takes time.  Good news – pretty much any authorized pic of an infant is acceptable, so she slept right through the procedure.  Three times.  Maybe we’ll share the outtakes.

In work-related news, the CBcom website testing is looking good.  Hopefully the rest of the team has also had a chance to get in there.  We are on track to launch in the next week, for sure.  On the software front, our Italian team has signed off on the work done by the Indian team, and we’re moving forward.  I haven’t had a chance to look at the fixes yet, but I’ve got confidence in Paolo’s judgement.  So, on to the next component.  Seriously – does anyone know any strong coders who would like to make some honest money for some challenging but very fun work?  This could be career-making.  Send them my way.

Midnight again.  Shnykees, dude.  Go to bed.  You know why I stay up?  This is the window when I know I’ve got a couple hours without interruption.  For thinking, sorting, cogitating.  A train of thought without a destination.  Or a track, I suppose.  Other than keeping my commitment to writing here every day.  It’s not a diary, but it’s… really nice to write.  I wonder if I could write a novel with these nightly windows?  I know it’s been done by other fathers.  Mothers too, I’d bet.  I wonder.  Something to think about.  Tomorrow night.

Go hug somebody.  Ask them what’s up.  Listen.  If you do it right, you will be surprised.  Them too.

nom nom thom Read More »

Cool Peppermint

Cool Peppermint

Cool Peppermint

She’s pretty fly for a white girl.  Wicki-wicki.  I was going to Photoshop some headphones in there, but that sort of free time doesn’t seem to exist any more.  Again – cannot conceive how a single mom could do this.  I salute you all.

Today: exhausting.  But only because the nights are taking their toll.  I remember the good old days of feeding on demand and sleeping sometimes for four hours at a stretch.  Luxury.  And remember when “weekend” meant something?  Anyway, today: we made it to the post office to apply for Avery’s passport.  Waited in line.  Calmed a fussy baby.  Confidently presented our carefully assembled packet of documents.  Paused.  Shuffled.  Left.  I forgot to include her birth certificate.  The one actual key document in the whole process.  That’s pretty tired.

So.  We’ll go back tomorrow.  The birth certificate is safely and certainly in the packet now.  It’s been a day, folks.

At least I successfully dispatched my own application for passport renewal.  Feel pretty naked without a passport, not gonna lie.

Also tomorrow: trying to break the new CBcom website before we unpack it from the sandbox (read: launch).  Need to be sharp for that.  Sharp these days being a relative term.

Sleep well, dear reader.  I hope all is super great in your world.

Cool Peppermint Read More »

empty battery


empty battery

You win, you heartless bastards.  I must sleep.  A full day – lots of it awesome.  Tomorrow, on the one hand, won’t be as bad as I thought, but, on the other hand, more commas, and yet more commas, amazingly, just so I can write a really long run-on sentence.  In my head it sounds like Christopher Walken.  Where was I?  Oh yes, desperate for sleep.

G’night.  Go hug somebody.

zzz Read More »