peppermint spaz

peppermint spaz

peppermint spaz

There.  Peppermint spaz.  That’s just to prove she’s not always a perfect Norman Rockwell poster child.  She burbles and flails with the best of them.  Of course, she’s adorable doing that too.  But hey, now there’s a picture here for which she can hate me in her teen years.  Just… making… the appropriate tags… so she can find it… in 2025.

Wow.  2025.  Dang.  13 years old in 2025.  Wow.

Brain jarred off rails… moving on.

tv fan

That’s better.  She’s factory certified adorable again, and definitely still a baby, and perched on her dada’s prodigious belly so she can have her brain melted by television at the tender age of two months old.  (Weird that she can be two days shy of nine weeks old, yet she’s two months old.  Don’t tell me we don’t need a metric calendar.)

She does love the big moving lights though.  Walking Dead will have to wait til after bedtime.  Don’t want her getting any ideas about what to do with her dada if he’s slow to wake up one morning.


Gainfully employed already!  Probably you can make loads of cash as a shopping cart, right?  What are they, 25 cents a pop?  And by the look of it, no worries about messing with the nap schedule.

In other news, the Super Secret script is just about there.  There’s a musical number that needs a second verse, and we’re postponing that effort until we can get together over a couple beer.  Because that’s how we roll.  Hilarious styles.  And doing our part for the local economy.

Did I mention that Marjorie was given a sparkling clean bill of health by the midwife?  Hot baths are now legal?  And such?  It’s been a lovely Saturday.  We had cookies!  That part’s not midwife related.  But it is delicious.  There should be more cookies around here.

The only downside all day wasn’t until tonight – poor Avery was having trouble with a stuffed nose.  Poor little thing couldn’t even nurse.  So we tried out, I kid you not, the Snotsucker.  I’m having a hard time coming up with a worse name to highlight how bad a name it is.  How they arrived at that particular decision is beyond me.  Nevertheless, it’s safe, and with a quick spritz of saline a minute beforehand, it works like a charm.  Brilliant.  If… gooey.  I’ll qualify that by saying that Avery is not a fan.  Too strange.  But she got over it quickly enough, so… win.  And recovery the second time only took a minute.  Being able to breath beats the trauma of however you got there, I guess.

And now she’s sleeping like the baby she is.  2025 is way down the road.  Pretty sure I won’t let that keep me up tonight.  Pretty sure…

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Smiles For Miles

smiles for miles

Smiles For Miles

There’s your baby pic!  What a doll.  She wouldn’t let you down.  I wonder, could there ever be too many pictures of Avery Peppermint Taverner?  No.  No there could not.  She’s got something new for us every day.  Today she loved hanging out – didn’t want to be put down.  Just wanted to be with us and chat.  And she’s discovering TV (it’s hard to miss 40+ inches), so we’ll have to pay a little more attention to our programming choices.  Fewer fountains of blood and more fountains of chocolate, maybe.  More ponies and rainbows and fewer Bourne fight scenes.

So you’ve probably been suffering from an itchy trigger finger waiting for me to post my Movember donation link.  I have felt horrible denying you for so long.  It’s just not fair.  To you, or to the fight against testicular cancer and other men’s health issues.  For me, it came down to this: Hurricane Sandy became a more immediate concern, and I really felt that over the short term, money wanting a new home should be going to the Red Cross, or to any of the many worthy projects focussed on the recovery effort.  Thousands of people are still without power, many without even homes, which, right here at the epicenter of America, is a testament to just how bad the damage is.  FEMA and services at the state and city levels will go a long way in helping rebuild, but right now a lot of people need warm clothes and hot meals.  Our own unique fundraising effort has stalled – our silk-screener seems to have evaporated.  I guess nothing beats good ol’ cash anyway.

That’s not to say that Movember is any less a worthy project.  Last year, 854,288 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas raised over $126 million USD worldwide.  This is a huge deal, despite its furry face.  If you’d like to find out more, check out my Mo Bro Jason’s page on the Movember site here, and give some serious consideration to making a healthy donation.  If not for your nuts, do it for the nuts of someone you love.

I should probably get a proper doctor one of these days, myself.

Happy Friday, people.  May your weekend be super great.

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picture not available

I’ve been sitting here for the last couple hours, Jon Daily and Colbert notwithstanding, wandering through Digg articles and LifeHacker posts, when I really should have gone to bed.  I don’t have a cute photo of Avery Peppermint today.  While I had her to myself she slept solid, and when Mum got home, I had to get to work.  So no darling pics today.  Yesterday I thought about cheating and holding back a couple of those uber-adorable hood pics.  But I didn’t.  And now I have nothing.  Boo.  I share too much!

But the website is indeed launched, pending some break-tests.  Feel free to go discover CBcom.  If you have ever dreamt of becoming a hairdresser, or want to level up, there is no better way to do it than the Fuel system.  Promise.  Check out the Lightbulb videos.  There are tons more on the way.  And we have grandiose goals like Chris’ show diaries, and live events, and right now you can ask Chris your own questions.  Pretty awesome.

Also but, this evening, Lee and I built on the major work done earlier today with Matt, and we’re pretty sure we have the Top Secret Project at a place where we can confidently show it (as a first draft) to the Unnamed A-List Celebs who will be involved.  We’re hoping to meet again on Saturday so that Matt can also sign off, and then… then we send it off for First Looks.  More on that as it develops.  Vague obfuscation mystery mystery.

One of these days we’re going to have to get serious about this agent thing.  If only we had an agent to handle that silly detail.

Marjorie has been given the official sanction to bathe!  True!  After you have a baby you have to wait six weeks before you can have a bath (showers are encouraged).  And then the midwife checks you out and tells you if you’re sufficiently healed up to risk the bacterial soup of a luxurious bath.  Because of the hurricane, that official meeting was pushed back a couple weeks.  Tonight, my girl enjoyed a nice hot bath.  Earned.  Deserved.  And a nice deep tub, too.

I could ramble on, but I think this daddy will mosey off to bed (and about frickin time), the better to be helpful when Avery calls all hands on deck.

I hope your Thursday was everything you needed it to be, and your Friday tries even harder.  G’night everybody.

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