pine combers

Clearly, the key to frequent posting is keeping the momentousness out of it. I’ve been working (read: not working) on the draft of “Avery at 1” since I before I mentioned it in the last post. And she motored past 13 months a few days ago. So. Yeah. That doesn’t work.

Writer’s Tip #1 – Write. A lot.

Writer’s Tip #2 – Epics are for people named Hemingway or Homer or Guy Gavriel Kay (seriously, read The Fionavar Tapestry).

Writer’s Tip #3 – See how easily you get distracted?

So let’s not worry so much about setting down words fit to be scribed in stone. Instead, here’s my Sunday:

The Plan, for the last few weeks, was to jump a train today, or possibly a boat, and to head upriver to see the leaves. The leaves in New York State are evidently a sight that must be seen. So that was the plan. The leaves, however, are not cooperating. They are behind schedule down here at sea level. Also, Marjorie slept in. So that voyage, whether it be by rail or by sail, will have to happen maybe next weekend. Nevertheless, I had already moved heaven and earth to get the day free (family time!), so by all the gods, we were going to see some leaves or die in the attempt.

Off to Central Park we went.

Now, the 7 train isn’t running this weekend. Line improvements, you see. You have to take the shuttle to the E train. Of course, other lines are getting improvements this weekend too. But I will not drive you mad with the inglorious details. After all was said and done, it took us an hour and twenty minutes to get to Central Park.

The leaves are still green there too. Mostly.

BUT! Sun shining, breeze mild, and we had the whole afternoon. We made the most of it – by doing not much at all. We strolled. We lollygagged. We dillydallied and we dawdled. Very satisfying.

p.s. Pine cones, while not anywhere near as delicious as one might expect on first discovery, still make perfectly terrible hairbrushes.

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Such grand ideas I had for a blog post celebrating Avery’s first birthday. A retrospective photolog, a heartfelt reminiscence, some suitably momentous composition to mark the landmark event. But I find myself staggered by the immensity of the undertaking.

She is the bedrock of my universe, the most fragile of wisps of wonderment. She is the limitless reservoir powering my lifelong mantra, “Stubbornly refuse to become blinded to the beauty that is still in the world.

So I have to think about this some more. Until then, here is a picture worth a thousand words.


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