
Avery's 1st Thanksgiving

infinity plus one

Avery's 1st Thanksgiving

Marjorie & Avery, Oct 7

Do I even dare start counting my blessings?  I’d be up all night.

Avery loved her bath today!  Well, not going in, and definitely not coming out, but while she was in there, she had a look of thoughtful wonder.  Very gratifying.  And two of her diaper changes today were with minimal squawking.  Probably coincidence, and she was just taking a breather, but we’re encouraged.  She spent most of the day awake, and a baffling portion of it yelling, so it’s good to know the button’s not stuck.  You’d think she would have slept like a stone after being up every couple of hours last night.  Maybe she was saving up the sleep tickets for tonight?  A man can hope.

Hey!  I did get the Italy pics filtered down.  To just 324 favorites.  It’s a start.  With any luck it won’t take me another year to post a few.

It’s no good – I keep thinking of blessings.  If I don’t shut up now I really will be up all night.  Is that a rip off?  Maybe.  But I wake up every single morning and count a few blessings before I get out of bed (I really do).  So long as I know what (and who) they are, and remember to appreciate them (and show them I do), that’s the important thing.  That way, they count me as one of theirs.  You see what I did there?  Bit of a circular thing.  Elton John could do a song.

Give some thanks to those closest to you.  But not that yappy little dog down the hall.  I hate that guy.

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Pietro Bracci's Oceanus

That’s not a baby

That’s Pietro Bracci’s Oceanus, the center piece of the 250 year old Trevi Fountain in Rome.

Pietro Bracci's Oceanus

We went to Italy for our honeymoon a year ago.  I promised myself I’d get the pictures processed (all 2600 of them) long before now.  But, you know, one thing led to another, and before you know it– baby.  So I thought I would spend some of my weekend working on those pics.  There’s still 2600 of them though, so… best not hold your breath.  That said, don’t despair.  You have our blank walls joining you in demanding pictures.

In baby news, we moved Avery to cloth diapers today, now that her belly button tag has fallen off (yay milestone!).  Cloth during the day, disposables at night for now.  Despite general public suspicion about the gel in disposable diapers, we like a dry and comfortable baby until she’s a bit bigger.  The cloth diapers are laughably large on this little girl, and she could end up in a wet bed.  A few more weeks, I reckon.  She’ll fill out that long noodle body.

Maybe sooner.  She was very fussy today, after a night of frequent feeding.  Growth spurt, we suspect.  More sleep deprivation, we suspect.  Daytime naps for everybody, I do declare.

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tummy trouble

Day 19: still can’t find my feet

tummy trouble

Little bunny was so wriggly today we decided to see what she’d do if we helped her get where she seemed so determined to go.  Turns out she didn’t really have a plan.  Seemed at a bit of a loss, really.  She’ll probably have it worked out for next time.

How to make cookies last longer: add raisins.  Boo.

Listen to this guy – complaining that his beloved wife made cookies and they have raisins in them.  What a loser.

Yeah, a loser that isn’t crazy for raisins.  Ha.  Zing.  Got you there.

Errm… anywho.  Lee and Tom are in Miami this weekend shooting for L’Oréal Professionel.  Normally I would be the designated shooter for this, but I’m already in a full time gig getting a new family rolling.  Marjorie is healing like a champ and I don’t doubt that we’ll be green lit well before the full six weeks, but thanks to a progressive-minded employer, we don’t need to rush.  And besides, Tom is an exceptionally talented photographer.  Just don’t have too much fun without me, you bastards.

Man, I’m itching to share the feature script Chaos has been working on.  It’s just so damned fun.  It’s long, as I have mentioned, but the more we comb through it looking for elements – even lines – we can drop, the more we realize this is a long movie and that’s all there is to it.  Not like you’ll notice the time.  This is a packed script.  Packed with awesome juice.  And really, my philosophy is that you should share this sort of thing.  Far and wide.  The more people aware of a thing, the less likely anyone will think they can get away with pilfering it.  Having said that, it’s no accident that Armaggedon and Deep Impact showed up in the same summer.  True story – they mention it in Tales from the Script.  So this young undiscovered writer will keep his trap shut, and you’ll just have to wait.  As for us, we’re getting tired of waiting, so we’re looking into producing it ourselves.  Just gotta figure out how to produce a ten million dollar picture for about a buck fiddy.  Know any really talented producers?

It’s just so damned fun.

Also fun: this software we’re building.  Also can’t tell you about it.  But I will show you.  In January.  If I can.  We might be in closed beta for a while.  But let me say this about that – if you work in a consultation-based business (and about a third of us do), you are going to line up for this app.  Yes, you are.  Oh this is going to be a hell of a ride.  Giggity.

Did I mention little Avery has grown out of some of her newborn clothes?  Dude, she’s two and a half weeks old!  She could play basketball if she knew what to do with feet.  And hands.  Depth perception would be good, probably….  Ok, maybe she can’t play basketball yet.  But she’s a long noodle.  And the cutest bunny ever.  When she screws her face up for a good yell I have to clamp down on my laugh so she won’t get doubly mad.  ahhh we have fun.

Remember the alleged cigarette smoke?  It could be some sort of deal with one of the AC units.  Freon is an inert gas, but I’m told it can have a similar effect on breathing.  Today was fine – open windows all day long.  But if it persists as the weather cools off we will have to take meaningful measures.  The building folk are awesome, so I know if we make the call, it will be seen to.

The building folk really are awesome.  If you are looking to rent in the five boros, you’d do well to look right here.  And this neighborhood is exploding.  It’s like Yaletown (in Vancouver) when Yaletown finally took off.  Yeah, that’s right, we live in the Yaletown of New York.  Kid-friendly (though still with more pet daycares than kid daycares – opportunity!), close to everything except the noise, gorgeous view of the ‘hat (manHATtan?  No?).  And between you and me, Marjorie has been talking about buying in the neighborhood.  That’s how awesome it is here.

Life is sweet.  Have a super fantastic awesome (Canadian Thanksgiving) weekend.  Hug somebody.

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