
Cute In The Dark

Cute In The Dark

Cute In The Dark

I checked.  She’s cute even when it’s dark.

It was a gorgeous sunny day.  After some reflection on what today means to us, be it Remembrance Day or Veterans Day, we tumbled out the door to catch some vitamin D.  Lately we’ve been snugging Pepper into the Baby Bjorn but today was so beautiful we wanted her to see a bit of it.  So into the car seat/stroller she went.  The sun was warm but the shade was a cool, so she was layered in with sweater and snuggly fleece wrap thingy.  Cozy, is what I’m getting at.  It was hard to tell if she was actually “enjoying” the sights.  The way her little body settles into the car seat she looks a little like the Emperor brooding on his throne in Return of the Jedi.  Especially when her fingers are doing that fiendish plot thing.  But she seemed content to be wheeled around for an hour.  So that was nice.

We walked past a pub owned by a couple that lives in our building.  We were expecting Alewife to be closed up for flood repairs – the water all around here was four and five feet deep.  But they are open with a limited menu and a friendly caution not to trip over the buckled floor planks.  I think the room is great, and the beer will do just fine.  Delicious wings.  It’s only a short walk – we will definitely be back.  Gotta support your neighbors.  Doubly so if there’s beer involved.

Tomorrow is a holiday for many.  For those that get them.  I’m a little spoiled in that, holiday or work day, I love my job.  Plus, of course, I get holidays.  Tomorrow I’ll either be supervising a major website migration, or I’ll do some pre-production for a quick shoot on Tuesday, and once we’re done the pre-pro we’ll get back to work on the super secret tv project.  A big reason I love my job is that I get to wear so many hats.  Did you ever take one of those career finder tests in high school?  Those ones that are supposed to help you figure out what sort of job you’d enjoy?  I tried a few times, but always broke the system.  Go figure.

I think things turned out alright.

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Avery Spielberg'd

fun in americaland!

Avery Spielberg'd

Avery Spielberg’d.

What a snuggle bunny.  Which reminds me – we’re soon going to cross that line where she becomes irrevocably nicknamed Bunny for life, like some Republican grandma from the Deep South.  How do we feel about that?  Is it time for an agressive intervention in favour of Pepper?  Or do we chance that Pepper will evolve on its own sometime around age five?  The jury is still out on this one.

Segue!  I did get X-rayed today.  I do have a fractured rib.  Marjorie had the grace to not say “I told you so.”  She’s a nice lady.  I got copies of the x-rays hoping there would be something to show, like Jim’s awesome brain scan, but I’ll have to get a doc to point out my injury, because I can’t see anything out of whack.  I’ll apparently be feeling it for six to eight weeks.  Have to avoid heavy lifting.  Take it easy.  No going back to the gym just yet.  Dammit.  Double dammit.  Double dammit hold the extra cheese and I’ll just have a salad.  What a pain in the… chest region.

Still – hey – nothing broken.  Super fantastic awesome.  Thank you, mother, for letting me drink 5 liters of milk a week growing up.  That calcium is paying off big time.

On Tuesday I’ll call the fella that hit me.  Don’t want to bum his long weekend.  Then… well, my doc said I should have filed a personal injury claim.  Yes, the legal kind.  The radiology folk laughed at the silly Canadian for not filing.  This sucks.  I do not want to contribute to the insurance lawyers vs insurance lawyers racket.  If I don’t file, what happens?  Does my insurance company deny my coverage?  What if there’s secondary issues down the road?  This sucks donkey balls.  So I’m still thinking about it.  Do not like.  At all.  So far the best I’ve been able to come up with is talking about it with the guy that hit me.  Maybe he’ll say he’s insured out the yin yang and please do go right ahead and hey I brought you a muffin.  Or he’ll say I have the wrong number and that will be that.

Stupid broken system.

Meanwhile, seeing as we were all in town, Marjorie took Avery to Macy’s and found some adorable outfits.  It’s ok that part of parenting is playing dressup with dolls that actually live and breathe, right?  Fun!  And the Gap is having a big sale this weekend (Veteran’s Day, remember?  Obviously).

Well team, I’m bushed.  Need sleep.  Stuff to think about.  May your weekend be scintillating in the kind of way that makes you almost blush to talk about, because you feel kinda spoiled, even though you know damn well you deserve it.

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