
The Hedgehog

the hedgehog

Hello, fellow nature lovers. Tonight let’s begin with a rare treat: video footage of the New York hedgehog in its natural setting. Everyone gather around quietly now… and click on the image below… there she is…

The Hedgehog

Oh, isn’t she just something else, girls and boys? Such a gem of the wilderness. You can see that she’s used to the cameras, but none too keen on them when she’s just woken up. What a little angel.

She certainly loves her sleep.  The New York hedgehog is unique in that she likes a certain amount of noise, and to be bumped around a bit.  Too much quiet during the day and she’ll be awake and grumpy.  And you can carry her around with you and she’ll sleep like a log for hours, but if you stop walking for more than a couple minutes, there’s the grumpy little bear again!

This little critter’s name is Avery, though everyone around here calls her Bunny, and sometimes Pepper, or Peppermint.  It can be confusing.  Good thing she can’t understand a word we’re saying!  Yet!  Ha ha.  Ha.

Like many of her kind, she thrives on a diet of the bountiful local breast milk.  She weighs almost eleven pounds – or close to 5 kilos – and she’s just about ten weeks old.  For a while there, she was putting on nearly a pound a week!  How does she do it?  Calories, calories calories.  She’s looking for food every chance she gets.  Here she is, caught with her hand in the cookie jar!

Hand in the Cookie Jar - Booby Trap!

Uh oh!  Booby trapped!

No harm done, though.  Just a little fun for the cameras.  What a rascal.

Here at the Taverner compound, pretty much the whole day revolves around the needs of this adorable little tyrant.  Between feeding, changing, and keeping her content when she’s not napping, there isn’t much time for her keepers to get much else done.  This is why they invented alcohol, girls and boys!  So the New York hedgehog’s keepers could cope!

Just kidding.  No need to call your parents.  Or child services.  Please sit back down, now.  Nancy, that means you.  Put down that cell phone and join the rest of us.  Good girl.  I wouldn’t want to have to tell your mother I know what she does on her “bingo nights”.  Never mind that.  We’re all friends here, right?

Where were we?  Oh yes, getting things done.  Well, Mr and Mrs Keeper returned the rented industrial strength breast pump today, and they’re back to using the noisy little angry electric bee.  We’ll see how that goes.  And Mr Keeper bought Mrs Keeper her Christmas present early!  A sexy little iPad mini!  True story!  Yes, he’s quite jealous, I can assure you.  But Mrs Keeper has been wanting an E-Reader so she has something to occupy her brain while Avery is hunkered in at the Milk Bar, and Mr Keeper wasn’t about to let Mrs Keeper spend good money on the bad rubbish they sell at Barnes & Noble, or on Amazon’s Kindle Fire, when we all know darned well that Mrs Keeper would end up wanting all the things those plastic gadgets won’t do, or can’t do at all well.  And believe me, he’s looked into it.  So, the iPad mini it was.  And Mrs Keeper loves it already.  Took it to bed with her.  Mr Keeper will just keep on lugging the dead weight of his Original iPad around until he blows his other knee, and he’ll like it just fine, see if he doesn’t.

Little Peppermint slept through the whole thing, of course.

So after that shopping excursion, they all returned to the compound, and enjoyed more delectable leftovers from Thanksgiving.  Mr Keeper had the luxury of working on some of the photos from the Italian honeymoon, and sent a few of them away to get printed on canvas.  Very nice.  Mrs Keeper, meanwhile, went to the considerable trouble of cooking up the turkey soup stock so Mr Keeper can invent Turkey Bacon Chowder sometime this week.  She’s very good to him.  Oh, my stars, youngsters, that chowder will be just… just wonderful.  Oh my, yes.

Now, run along, the lot of you!  This warden needs some shut eye.  Y’all come back now, y’here?

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the bird is the word, wrapped in pancetta

T-Day (2 of 3)

Thanksgiving - 1st dress

Nobody would hold still for me, so that’s your blurry picture of Avery Peppermint dressed up for Thanksgiving in her first dress. Still knock-your-socks-off adorable.  Nobody could hold still!  It was a full day.  First, everybody woke up groggy – we think we’re collectively coming down with something.  Man the vitamin cannons!  Then Fresh Direct delivered pretty much our whole dinner so we sorted all that out.  Then I got to work on the big newsletter for the site launch.  Interested?  Here’s the link to the newsletter: http://eepurl.com/r7qlv

I was up late last night finishing the edits on the two articles, so I didn’t even get started on the rest of the layout and content until this morning.  Bad planning, I think.  T-Day is for cooking, and family, and ideally several drinks.  Working feels like you’re ripping someone off, and you suspect it’s you.  I did manage to have a beer.  Anyway, the newsletter finally passed muster near 4pm.  About time to get the bird in the oven, no?  Yes.  Marjorie had already very thoughtfully helped me out by prepping the rub, so I was able to dive right in with the ceremonial rinsing and dressing of the bird.  My first ever!  If you can believe that!  I mean, back in the day I hosted many T-Days, sometimes for forty or more, but the deal was that the designated cooks would come over and drink on my dime all night.  Worked like a charm, but the downside is that, at this end of the timeline, I’ve never been captain of the bird.

So this T-Day is a first on a few fronts.  Our first as a family, my first as Captain Turkey, and Avery’s first T-Day ever.  Also, I’m pretty sure this is the first Thanksgiving Marjorie and I (as a couple) haven’t been guests elsewhere.  We’ve been fortunate (in the wealthy sense) that way.  Rich in high-quality friendships.

Anyway, much like the meandering of this post, today was a bit of a scatter for all three of us.  Tired, busy, hungry.  In the end, though… in the end:

the bird is the word, wrapped in pancetta

Eleven pounds of pancetta-wrapped turkey loveliness all for daddy.  Today is a Good Day.

Yes, those are seashells on the ends of the skewers.  We forgot toothpicks, so last year’s stocking stuffers became this year’s fancy T-Day sacrifice.  Again, Marjorie to the rescue.

The verdict on my first bird – undecided.  The delicious parts were delicious, but while I thought we would end up with a dry bird from cooking almost 4.5 hours instead of the recommended 3.5, the bird was about as tender a thing as you can imagine.  We have a gas oven, and we found we weren’t getting the desired interior temp when the clock said we should, so we kept on cooking, finally giving up and eating when we couldn’t stand to wait another minute.  So now I’m hoping that I don’t contract salmonella and die from my first turkey.  I told myself the flavour was from the spice blend in the rub, but maybe that’s how salmonella gets past your face: mmm, cumin and stuff!  Or, it was an organic turkey, and I’ve never had one of those before.  Maybe they taste different, the same way bison tastes different than cow.  I dunno.  So, the verdict is pending.  It’s been almost four hours since we ate, so I think the jury is nearly ready with a decision.  The pancetta was wonderful, obviously.  Though next time I would specify thin slices when ordering.  Did not think I would have to do that.

Marjorie had her brussels sprouts and squash and Chick’n Bites, and we shared the Stove Top and mashed potatoes.  She made whipped cream for the pumpkin pie – delightful.

Avery had her usual.  Probably a bit of coconut oil from her massage.

All told, the Taverners’ first American Thanksgiving was a magnificent feast.  We have a lot for which to be thankful.

Thankful (so thankful) for my wife – our history is epic, and our journey is golden.  None of this matters without you.

Thankful for a gorgeous, perfect baby girl, already full of life and love.

Thankful for the growing family – Taverners and Phillips – we feel the unconditional love and support all the way over here.

Thankful for the New York family by proxy – for making a career feel like home.

Thankful for my health – fracturing a rib getting hit by a truck will do that to you, but I’ll still skydive.  Life is for living.

Thankful for whatever it is inside me that drives me to create – it can be so frustrating, but the rewards are spectacular.

Thankful for my writing partners – powerful, powerful stuff, lads.  The sky is limitless.

Thankful for where I am in space and time – I could not do what I do if I were anywhere and anywhen else.

Thankful for my friends, close and not so close, and I’ll make so bold as to include you here, dear reader – if we are but the sum of our experiences, then you have made of me a large sum indeed.  May we continue to count for a long time to come.

T-Day (2 of 3) Read More »

must snoooo…

Oh my goonness.  I’ve been editing for three and a half hours.  TWO articles.  I believe I must needs be done writing for the evening.  And, to double up on the let down, I have no new pictures of little Peppermint or her mum.  Boo!

So I will bring back a personal favourite, and bid you bon nuit. To my Americalander friends: a very happy Turkey Day.

Tell me more of this "breast feeding".

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