
peppermint trooper

Avery got her first shot today.  She didn’t like it at all – at all at all.  But she recovered quickly enough.  Fell asleep on me on the walk home in less than fifty feet.  I think her leg may be aching from the shot though.  Bit of work getting her to go down tonight.

Speaking of, I’m off as well.  Call time tomorrow is 7am, and the studio is two trains from here.  If I were made of money I would just book a car.  We’ll see how I feel this time tomorrow.

So, I wish I could chat more, but a man’s gotta work.  Be well.

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After Mum returned from her well-deserved massage, Dad headed into town to meet with Lee.  By the time he arrived, he was Adrian.  Being Dad still would just have been weird.  They had a lot to talk about – pre-pro for the two day shoot this week.  Lots of other stuff needed talking about as well, but pre-pro meetings can take up some time.  That’s why it’s important to have them.  Anyway, a couple hours into the meeting, Adrian reaches into his pocket for his ever-present Burt’s Bees, and finds this:

Now, he didn’t panic right off.  Maybe Avery had been asleep the whole time?  Wary, he messaged his darling wife, whom he dearly hoped was still feeling massaged, and not assaulted by a crying baby for lack of a soother.  Perish the very thought, too nightmarish to bear.

But all was as well as could be expected.  Marjorie couldn’t find the backup soother (eep!), but had managed to find the backup’s backup.  Saved!

This is the life we lead now.  When three soothers are the bare minimum.  Just squeaking by.  Too close for comfort.  We’re going to acquire a couple more, I gwarantees.

I missed my girls this afternoon, but work must be did.  With the pre-pro sorted to an appropriate level of preparedness, we are set to get the full value out of tomorrow’s TabletBiz Expo, the first-of-its-kind convention devoted to tablets in business.  8 hours, 25 speakers, 15 demo booths.  Wha?  25 speakers?  I dunno.  We shall see.  I’m really hoping it’s not a bunch of Point Of Sale stuff we’ve already mastered.  We want to be wowed.  Show us stuff we haven’t thought of yet.  We shall see.

Then, Wednesday is gearing up for the shoot, but hopefully there will still be time in the morning for some writing with the fellas.  I believe we are ready to look at the next Chaos project.  Exhilarating!

Thursday-Friday, shoot days.  Wall to wall.  I’m expecting 12 hour days.  Day one will probably be a little shorter, but day two is tear down and gear return.  Definitely the suckiest part of the job.  Though we have been talking about getting a PA…

Saturday, we are shooting again, but this is for CBcom.  The content must flow.  He who controls the content controls the universe.  Anyone?

Sunday… Sunday I would like to rest.  Where the heck did the week go?

If I miss posting at some point in the next few days, please forgive me.  I may choose sleep over you.  Just this once.  Maybe if you leave a comment telling me how much you love reading my blog, and how thought provoking you find it all, then maybe I will skip another hour’s sleep.  But probably not.  But maybe yes.  But no.  Yes.  No.  Maybe.  I love you.

busynuke Read More »

mama snugged

oh, internets

Invented Bacon Turkey Chowder today.  It’s awesome.  The secret is, when you think you have enough bacon in there, quadruple it.

Also today, the Taverner fam went on a very cold jaunt into town so Adrian could try on some boots.  Said fancy boots are his Christmas present!  Yes, they are cooler than your boots.  Customizing takes (forever) 2-3 weeks, and after shipping… I don’t know if they will be making the trip to Canada this Xmas.  Ah well, fancy boots like these should see some strutting before being subjected to a Vancouver winter.  But I want them NOW.

It’s nearing 2am again, dangit.  This time I was distracted by some nonsense on Facebook.  I am stunned to see a recent round of recirculating garbage from a couple years ago.  Such as a news article claiming that a cure for cancer has been found in Canada, but Big Pharma isn’t interested.  Wrong on so many levels.  I’m not going to bother going into it.  Google it, if you must.  So I got a little mad, and did up a little graphic, and got into a little conversation… time passed.

And then there’s this latest nonsense about asserting copyright on Facebook.  Dude, Article TWO POINT ONE of the Terms states clearly that anything you post on Facebook is fair game – they can do anything they want with it.  It’s like, the tenth line of text or something.  And it’s not news.  It’s been like that since day one.  Had to be.  You can’t have a social network without sharing, and sharing means other people can get their hands on your stuff and post it to their own timeline.  Duh.  If you want to protect something, don’t post it on a social network.  Seriously, this is pre-kindergarten level stuff here, people.  In fact, Facebook recently released a major upgrade to their system that allows you to remove images from their servers (rather than just your own timeline).  They are the good guys in this particular case.

And the myriad confusion about privacy.  My god, people.  Just click Help.  It’s all there.  Change all your settings to “private” and “friends”.  Check the settings every couple months to make sure Facebook hasn’t backdoored you.  And that’s it.  Done and safe.

Whoever said there are no stupid people never met the internet.

I’m just saying that if one doesn’t know the facts about something, it’s best to shut the hell up on the subject until one can open one’s face without embarrassing one’s self.  And these days there’s just no excuse for it.  Unless one has never heard of Google.  In which case one has bigger problems.

All this negativity has been building since the start of all those variations of “Click image. Comment jump. See what happens.”

Nothing is going to happen.  If you think something will happen, you don’t know how Facebook works.  The owners of these pages just want to stack traffic so they can sell them.  You’re a sucker.  Same with all those brain teasers where the poster oh so cleverly gets it wrong and asks us for help.

I could go on, but now it really is 2am, and I’m not getting any more untired.  Nor am I really doing anyone any good with this tirade.  You’re all smart people.  Let’s get back to a happy place:

mama snugged

Awwww Bunny!

She’s talking now.  Not words.  English words, anyway.  I can’t speak to more arcane languages.  So not anything we can understand, is what I’m saying, but she is talking.  She’s making noises with intent, figuring that if we make noises and stuff happens, it must work for her too.  So far, she’s absolutely right.  Much (much) better than the previous options of squawk, very loud squawk, and now you’ve made me angry.

She’s very advanced.

I am really looking forward to Christmas.  But I have been forbidden to decorate yet.  Still!  December 1st, M says.  Though in a moment of weakness she did admit that with all the Christmasy things we’re doing (and feeling) it seems (almost) silly not to Christmas up the place right now.  I threatened to Strike Force Santa the place, and decorate while she’s asleep.  If it weren’t already 2am…

2:20am.  Yep, time for bed.  Hope I didn’t change the course of your day with my little rant back there.  I get frustrated that so many people don’t seem interested in helping themselves.  The day I stop learning is the day after they’ve stuck me in the ground.  It makes me happy.  And I want everyone to be happy.  And safe. And warm.

May you have a happy, safe, and warm Monday.  Cyber Monday.  Woowoo!

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