
Merry Christmas

No new Avery picture today.  The gear return went well enough once the guys with the van showed up – almost three hours late, but who’s counting.  At least we weren’t waiting outside.  Anyway, after I got home I was more interested in having my hands full of baby than in taking pictures of baby.  I make no apologies.  She loves the elevator rides.  And lots more Avery Peppermint time tomorrow!  There will be some chaos as we decorate.  Finally.  I think I’ve been very patient.  I’m sure she’ll love it!  Welcome to December!  Woo! Best Christmas ever!

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Peppermint Hood

Pepper Hood

Wrapped!  If not ahead of schedule then fabulously on time.  Good work, all.  Thanks to the crackalackin LP team, and to the recklessly professional CAM team.  And to the models!  I hear these videos come out in February.  Maybe I will be able to share them with you then.

Speaking of sharing, here is a happy baby:

Peppermint Hood

Just gorgeous.  Where’d my genes go?  Ha.  Thank you to my beloved and thoughtful wife, who, about halfway through the day, sent me this reminder of what I’m missing.  I am so looking forward to some serious family time this weekend.

Must sleep.  Have to load out all the gear tomorrow.  But at least that’s a 9:30 start.  Worst thing about that is the rush hour crowds.  And after that’s all squared away?  Who knows?  A nap?  Something with my feet up, you best belee.  Old before my time.  Stupid knee.

Sleep well, dear reader.  Hope your weekend is everything you need it to be.

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Adrian passes a spare moment on set.

get set

It was a good day on set!

steadi on batman

No, that’s not the set we were on.  Pretty fun shot though.  I think we own the same steadicam rig.  Naturally I do not have permission to post the image, so just send me a cease & desist and I’ll take ‘er down.

This is a fun shot of the set we were on.

a fully operational mother ship

Three cameras passed into the Tricaster so we can rip a rough edit as we go.  Very nice.  Also, easiest colour matching ever.

Anyone who has spent any time on set can tell you (and Marjorie would) that there can be a lot of hurry up and wait.  Sometimes it’s a model’s hair, sometimes it’s a script issue.  There are all sorts of ways to bring production grinding to a halt.  The hallmark of a veteran is that production is never waiting for you.  You do not want to be the reason everybody stays late.  That gets expensive.  Also grumbly.  Nevertheless, we had a good day.  Radios help.  Matt knows what I’m talking about.  The difference between working locations, living on channel 1, and hating your life, to working special effects, living on channel 9, and enjoying another peaceful day of telling dirty jokes and making sure the smoke machines don’t run out of juice.

Not to give the wrong impression – we’re working with great people on this shoot.  We really are having a good time building a great product with them.

But I did mention that there can be a certain amount of waiting while stuff happens off set.  So, you pass the time.

Adrian passes a spare moment on set.

I spent ten minutes trying to get a nice spinny shot of my face.  Fun, right?

I was a little sulky this morning because I left home long before the sun had even threatened the horizon, and Avery wasn’t up yet/again/still.  I didn’t get to kiss her goodbye.  So Marjorie, love her to death, sent me my kiss.

Well, close enough to a kiss for me.  She was probably pooping.  Shut up.  She’s still ridiculously adorable.  The kiss made me miss my girls way more, but it made my day, too.

Tomorrow, production call is 8am.  That is awesome.  Still, time for this camera jockey to get to sleep.

Happy Friday, in case that’s where you are when you read this.  If not, well, that’s something to look forward to.

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