critical thinking

i don’t know

This is a good article. For as long as I can remember, I’ve observed that nobody can agree on who or what this god entity might be. And in fact no one can provide any evidence whatsoever for the existence — or non-existence — of this god or gods. So the responsible thing to do is get on with my life and be a good person. If there is a god or gods, they don’t need me to go on about it, and if there isn’t, I would hate to have wasted so much time on it when I could have been out there getting on with my life and being a good person. So there it is. I’m agnostic. Because I don’t know. And that’s ok.

How Many American Atheists Are There Really?

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i worry

Every once in a while I read my Facebook posts and I think, “wow, this guy comes on way too strong.” And then I think, “but why doesn’t everyone come on this strong? How are the streets not filled with righteously furious citizens every day?” And then I think, “Maybe half of everybody don’t care, another quarter don’t know, and an eighth are afraid of speaking out. But I sure am proud to be part of the other eighth.”

I’m not even a US citizen. My work visa could vanish in a puff of politics any day now. I could get bounced at the border by a pro-Chump officer skimming my FB posts and casually deciding I don’t deserve to come in. That’s where we’re at right now. Someone who loves all the things about America that truly make it great and who cheerfully pays a lot of money in taxes might get refused entry at the border because he can’t stop re-posting news articles with verifiable facts about the corrupt people in power.

So. I come on strong. I speak up. Even though I’m a guest. Because I am a guest. My tone has been called aggressive, or condescending, and for that I apologize because I don’t mean to offend. I want to challenge. I want to engage. I want everyone mad enough to storm Google to research the answers to prove me wrong or to find out that I’m right.

I don’t need to be right. I need you to find out whether or not you’re right. THAT would make America great again.

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Broken Promise

You know I never do this, so let that be the indicator of just how much this angers me.

On Monday, a law was passed that gives oil, gas and mining companies the power to open up BC’s provincial parks for industrial activity. Resource companies will now be able to drill exploratory wells, build roads and dig giant test pits, all in the name of pipeline and transmission line “research”.

Unless we act now to change this law, some of the most beautiful parks in Canada could be opened up to industrial development, setting a dangerous precedent as oil, gas and mining companies scramble to extract as many fossil fuel resources as possible from deep below the soil. If we add our voices to the thousands of letters that the BC Ministry of Environment has already received, they will be forced to respond.

Join me to take action now to keep Big Oil out of our parks.

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