the striking part
(Read the first part of this post here).
1-866-879-5172 has been calling for months, off & on and at all hours. It’s a telemarketing and contact centre called Minacs, or Aditya Birla Minacs. Spammy, evil robots. There are a LOT of complaints at places like 800notes. Enough is enough. Here’s how you can affect them back:
– If you have a website of your own, like a blog, post the phone number, Minac’s full company name, and a few words like “spammer” and “evil”.
– save and publish the post.
– write another post with the number and company name and the same words and link each of the key words to the first post (and vice versa if you want to take the time to edit again).
Google will then associate all those words, and if enough of us do it anyone who searches their company name will see exactly what they have been doing to all of us. Our complaints will show up even before their own website in web searches. Then they can explain to their clients why everyone hates them and refuses to answer the phone when they call. Suddenly they have no more business and we win.
It works, though you should avoid mentioning Google in your post, seeing as Google is no doubt aware of the Googlebomb phenomenon since the glory days of “George Bush is an ass” and is probably keeping an eye out for their own name in this sort of post.
By all means, pass this on to everyone you know.