critical thinking

healthy health care

I believe it’s so enormously important to add a voice of moderation whenever possible. In today’s sound-bite culture of media driven hysteria, common sense is in pretty desperate short supply. Fact is, most people don’t take the time to get informed. They just skim the headlines and believe whomever generally agrees with them. So, if you’re a halfwit redneck, you will believe whatever Glenn Beck dishes out. If you would rather talk than think, you will swallow Betsy McCaughey whole. You think Fox is News.

On the other hand, if you want to know what you are talking about, you will cull actual knowledge from as many sources as you can, as close to the original as possible.

The fact is that the GOP is reeling in disarray, fumbling around in old school politics that no one with half an ounce of sense has any interest in anymore. This isn’t to say Republicans have nothing to offer, but I am saying that the far right is not doing America any favours. The knee jerk reactions, half-baked assumptions, and outright lies spouting from the deep right have slowed progress to a painful crawl across broken glass, for no better reason than that they rail against change. There just isn’t any nice way to say it: Hey morons, get the hell out of the breeding pool. You’re dragging us all down.

So in the interest of adding a voice of reason to the tumult, I respectfully offer this article from Newsweek that crushes the more idiotic claims.

Of course, the problem with posting this sort of thing on a blog is that, chances are, if you’re reading this, we are like-minded people, and you already know all this stuff.

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never surrender

The Pirate Bay was down briefly yesterday when the Swedish courts ordered their ISP raided and taken offline. Activating a plan readied years ago, the intrepid lads were back in business before the sun came up this morning, posting a slightly adapted speech that first rang out around the world when days seemed darkest for England:

We have, ourselves, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once more able to defend our Internets, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone.

Even though large parts of Internets and many old and famous trackers have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Ifpi and all the odious apparatus of MPAA rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the ef-nets and darknets, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Internets, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the, we shall fight on the /. and on the digg, we shall fight in the courts; we shall never surrender, and if, which I do not for a moment believe, the Internets or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the Anon Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in Cerf’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.


The Pirate Bay Crew – Now until needed.

I salute you, boys. Though I can’t say I support every element of your argument, I most stridently support your voice of dissent in a world too ready to roll over. The RIAA and MPAA are wrong, and while you may not be entirely right, you at least resist. You are the future, and have been for years. Never surrender.

never surrender Read More »

Screw Free Health Care!

If you didn’t see The Daily Show last night (Monday, Aug 10), please remedy with a quickness. His panel on health reform was nothing short of brilliant.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Healther Skelter – Obama Death Panel Debate
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Yes, this is getting ridiculous.

It’s like the longer the debate about health care in the States goes on, the less people have any idea what they’re talking about. And it worries me how many people maintain their belief that Fox has anything to do with news. Especially when those same people question the validity of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert as valid counterpoint. At least Jon & Stephen don’t make stuff up. They remain the only ones asking the hard questions.

Look, children, the only people with anything to lose under the new government regulated health system are the insurance companies that have been vampires on the lifeblood of Americans since Day One. And the crooked quacks in collusion. You’d think this would be a no brainer.

Isn’t this the same nation that wanted to lynch Wall Street for the exact same thing? Exact, mind you?

Is anyone listening to themselves?

Don’t you have to ask yourself what Obama has to gain by socializing health care? At least when Bush launched his War on Terror in Iraq (of all places) he was creating mountains of money for his family’s associates. Simple greed and a casual disregard for soldiers lives. But Obama? What does he get?

How about being lauded for the next hundred years as a revolutionary for The People? How about the man who finally brought a measure of protection for The People against exploitive corporations?

What this debate does, more than anything else, is reveal how easily the mob is swayed by the media. How willing the mob is to swallow their sound bites and avoid actual information at all cost. Pure laziness and dumb aggression. The facts are out there in abundance for anyone willing to open their eyes.

Losing your choice of provider? Communal standards? Wait times? Euthanasia? Death Panels? Death Panels? Are you for real? How ludicrous does the right wing have to get before you question anything? Doesn’t Palin deserve to be that line? Never let the facts get in the way of a good lynching? Is that the idea?

Canada is being closely examined by the American media as a model of responsible socialized health care. Critics point to “wait times”. Tragically uninformed American citizens think this means “two hours” because their doctor overbooks the three days a week he actually shows up. What it actually means is that sometimes people in Canada have to wait days or weeks or even months for non-emergency treatment for non-life threatening conditions. This is because there is a shortage of medical personnel in Canada. This is because they stay for the medical training, then hustle down to the States where they can work half as hard for twice the money. Facts.

Yet despite the shortage of personnel, Canadians live longer. Hmm.

That actually has less to do with manpower than it does with environment and lifestyle choices. But anyway…

Obama has said that if you are happy with your provider you do not have to change anything. What he doesn’t say is that if you can get the exact same coverage for nothing then you’d be a little silly to continue paying through the nose for it. Right?

Obama has said, and really it’s nothing but pointing out the obvious, that socialized health care means more money in American pockets. I say obvious because just look at all the money that’s no longer going to be vanishing into insurance companies, never to be seen again. Duh.

I don’t know if this health care reform will mean a tax hike for Americans. I haven’t read the bill and I don’t recall specifically what Obama has said on the matter. I’m willing to bet it doesn’t, I’m playing safe and not claiming anything I don’t know as fact. But let’s say the bill does mean an exorbitant, outlandish and completely impossible gouge of 1% per year across the board. Wouldn’t that be a pittance for the sake of every man, woman and child having access to world-class American health care? Wouldn’t THAT make America The Greatest Country In The World ™? Then we’d just have to tackle those education levels.

And how about those insurance companies? Insurance companies are businesses for profit. Their model is built around paying out as little as possible of the most they can charge. That’s business. So you tell me… how does it make any kind of sense at all to keep giving all your money to them, when you could give it to the government, which we all know is notorious for spending like mad?

But let’s look at this issue realistically– what Obama is proposing is the same thing he proposed with Wall Street. Responsible regulation in the interest of protecting the American people and economy. Keep American money in American pockets. Let American investment be honest, and free from fraud. In this case, Americans also get the added bonus of accessible health care for all.

As I said, it seems like a no brainer.

But what do I know. Silly Canadian.

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