The New Me

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I KNOW! I don’t post often enough. But when I do, hey, photo bonanza. Maybe I’d post more often if you sent donuts?

In the last couple weeks Avery has tried solid food and found it to be… interesting. She’s been notified she likes avocado, so she’s entertaining that idea. Squishy. Mum’s plan is to try a bit of something new each week for the next while, until little Pepper is making active grabs for our plates. Won’t be long.

Oh! Finally all the stars and planets lined up, and Lee delivered a little Christmas gifty for Avery from Kim and J. The best bunny hat ever. Adorable! Should be a perfect fit next year. Thank you, guys!

The other Big Fun News is that Matt came to town for a week. The plan was for Chaos Complex to shoot two shorts while he was here. Ambitious, but we’ve crushed crazier goals. One thing led to another, however, and long story short, it’s really hard to procure a prop gun in New York City. Go figure. I’m not sure it’s harder than it is in BC, but it’s certainly not easier. We actually wrangled a reasonable facsimile of the gun, and were seriously contemplating a script compromise, but in the end we really want the gun moment to ring true, so we’re going to hold off and do it right in a few weeks. It’s also not advisable to book fx makeup with three days notice, but that was not entirely in our control, because they want to know things like, “what day?” and “where?” and these things didn’t land as early as they should have.

Anyway, to drag us back on track, Chaos pushed two stories, but discovered a third. It’s a charming little bit of clone comedy. We think you’ll giggle. We still have to discuss how we’ll actually release it, with the festival circuit and such to consider, but I promise I will get your eyeballs on it as soon as I can.

So the Chaos Camp was a genuine success in the face of several adversities. We sent Matt home in victory (not counting some brutal stand-by flight delays – do NOT fly stand-by. Just don’t.)

Marjorie took full command of the Taverner household while the boys were out playing all week, and for that I am humbly grateful. She is a power of nature, and I’m the luckiest bastard you know. I brought her flowers. And pie.

I’m trying to remember when I last had a haircut. Could be ten weeks ago. Anyway, I looked ridiculous the last couple weeks. I tried a hipster flop, no deal. Mod flip, no deal. I’d taken to wearing it slicked back, which I do not carry as well as Brad Cooper. I get too hot wearing a hat indoors, so it was the slick or look, well, ridiculouser. So after missing one more opportunity for Chris to rescue me, I went for the clippers. No big deal, right? Adrian has pulled off this look before. The dudes like it. The chicks… the chicks do not care for it, as a general rule. I maybe look scary.

I had a moment of hesitation. Avery. I thought to myself, “Avery’s too young to be freaked out by this. She’ll be fine. Just like she’s fine with the dark, and dogs, and strangers.”

I was wrong. She went down for a nap, shaggy daddy. She woke up from her nap, velcro head daddy.

She was so confused. And had no idea how to deal with the confusion. So she was scared. Such heartbreaking tears! Inconsolable for half an hour! She wouldn’t look at me! Whenever she did, more sobbing! It took both Mum and Dad  that whole half hour to reassure her that all was still right in the world. That familiar face was still on the right head, and that voice was coming from the right daddy.

Make sure your child is awake during momentous changes. My advice pour vous, because I like you and you shouldn’t have to go through that.


Other tidbits o’ trivia…

The Taverners have booked their fabulous tropical birthday getaway. Thank you, Marjorie, for taking us with you. Very generous. We’re going to Barbados. Woo!

Also, Chaos is once again booked for the Banff World Media Festival. We’ll be hobnobbing with top level network execs and industry greats like Julia Louis Dreyfus and Will Arnett. You know, ’cause that’s how we roll. Whatever.

I’ll probably need a haircut before then…


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