critical thinking

thanks given

I’m thankful for so much, but the last couple weeks have reminded me just how fortunate I am. I am not in Yemen. I am not in Syria. I’ve never had a gun pointed at me. For the accidents of chance that made me Canadian and all the other heaps of advantages that have made my life, compared to so many, so easy. For my family. For my true friends and new friends. For my work. For the things that went right and the things that gave me the opportunity to learn.

May I, through my own journey of learning, help others to learn as well. May I leave this world just slightly better off than it was when I arrived. And may the day of that departure be a long, long way off.


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I <3 America

We haven’t even caught our breath from Chump’s ego-driven rejection of the Paris Accord, and cities and states around the country are pledging to meet America’s commitment even if the White House won’t.

New York, Washington, and California have formed the United States Climate Alliance.

In fact many cities are pledging their commitment along with the 195 countries that signed the agreement.

In Paris, Michael Bloomberg has pledged $15m from his philanthropy organization to meet the US’s agreement under Obama.

The reality is that fossil fuel is yesterday’s poison. Green technology is no longer a vague promise of the future — it’s right now, it’s cheaper, and it’s creating more jobs than coal is losing. Everyone in America seems to know that except Chump and his GOP oil goons.

So look at that. He really is making America great again. I <3 America.

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i don’t know

This is a good article. For as long as I can remember, I’ve observed that nobody can agree on who or what this god entity might be. And in fact no one can provide any evidence whatsoever for the existence — or non-existence — of this god or gods. So the responsible thing to do is get on with my life and be a good person. If there is a god or gods, they don’t need me to go on about it, and if there isn’t, I would hate to have wasted so much time on it when I could have been out there getting on with my life and being a good person. So there it is. I’m agnostic. Because I don’t know. And that’s ok.

How Many American Atheists Are There Really?

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