
never far from the action

She’s never far from the action.  A real people person in the making.  Try to give her some alone time – some peace & quiet – and she will inform you of her desire to the contrary at the top of her lungs.  Not interested.  Much happier amongst the noise.  So she’s a New York girl already then.  This could be a long childhood.

I thought for sure today might be the day I miss a post, yet here I am.  A full day of hanging out with my girls (including baking brownies, yessir) followed by a birthday gathering for Lee.  Happy birthday, Lee!  Business partners for years; dj/bartender rockstar team for years before that.  A creative team destined for greatness heaped on awesomeness (partnered with the indefatigable Matt Kennedy).  Working on set with Lee is a pleasure.  He has that instinctual sense for where the camera is looking…

Unca Lee

Ahem.  You can never tell where a proper night out with Lee will go.  As it turns out, the six of us (Tom, Janice, Lauren, Anthony, Lee, myself) – by all accounts pretty awesome and fun people – talked about Avery for a surprisingly long time.  A dad knows how awesome his girl is, but it’s nice when everyone else knows it too.  =)  Of course we talked about our current projects as well – Lauren’s short needs a Kickstarter boost to get to the next stage, so even if you don’t have $10 to support our production, pass this link on to those who might be intrigued by the idea of helping produce a film: You Are Not Special.  Please do it now.  Thank you!

Anthony (Antny to us) tossed his steady job editing for the networks earlier this year to chuck his energy at developing independent work, and it’s certainly coming along.  Whenever we get together we come up with new ideas, and we always swear we’ll all shoot something together… just as soon as we have time.  The trick, obviously, is to just shoot.  Time will sort itself out, for the most part.  So it comes down to locations and talent.  We definitely have all the gear and the skills covered on the production side.  But  to our mind, actors deserve to get paid, so… tricky.  We’re working on it.  I believe I have mentioned that if you are a talented producer we can make you both busy and immeasurably wealthy.  Come on board.  You’ll mostly love how busy you will be.  Mostly.  Bring a great agent with you.

And in the interest of not being up writing all night, let me jump right to this:

27 days going on 10 years

Look at her!  My girl!  Completely present and alert, about 4 months ahead of schedule.  And not yelling through a diaper change!  I kid you not – this kid was all there, loving her mom and hanging out.  Briefly.  Marjorie practically dragged me over so I could share, and I’m sure Avery was nearly as happy to see me, but I didn’t get that same 100% happy focus that Mum did.  And that’s as it should be, I think.  I take every moment I can with our little girl, but I’m never going to have that same my-blood-is-your-blood connection.  They have hours every day when no one in the universe could get between them.  And I love that despite living in Americaland we work for a company that makes sure we don’t have to sacrifice that relationship.  In Canada Marjorie would have a year off with pay, or we’d each take six months, or however we wanted to break it down.  Don’t tell Harper I said that.  Guarantee that will be on the chopping block lickety split.  1940s living moron.  Hey, you voted for him.  Moving on…

My tired eyes are practically rolling back in my head – just like Avery trying to resist the inevitable – so I’ll keep plunging forward with my last revelation.  Despite little Peppermint and Marjorie having an unassailable bond, there are still ways she shows me that she is most definitely my little girl.

plongée dans la décolletage

At every opportunity she will plongée dans la décolletage.  Is that accurate French?  Does it matter?  No.  My girl knows what she’s doing.