as long as you’re reading

Shoulder Watch

As I was running this image through PhotoToaster, I wondered how long this streak will last.  The baby-a-day thing.  The posting every day thing.  Back in the day, when I lived in Victoria, and blogging was new, I posted every day and sometimes twice a day.  I actually thought about bloggable things and made mental note to work it out in print later, and then I did it.  These days I don’t think like that – yet – but who knows.  Right now, it’s more that everyone has gone to bed and I’ve got a 26 hour clock.  So I write.  I like it.  It’s cathartic, it’s soothing, it’s a great way to keep family and friends in the loop without actually having to talk to them.  I am SO KIDDING.  Ha.  Ha ha.  Ha.  Such a kidder, this guy.  But seriously you should call more.  Let’s Skype.

The original trailblazing parent blogger, Dooce, is still going.  She got started really close to the same time I did, but managed to attract global attention when her boss fired her for posting about work.  Precedent setting case.  For a long while, “getting dooced” was a thing.  I don’t think she ever needed another job – her blog supports the family comfortably.  I’ve never been fired for blogging, though my words have certainly landed me in uncomfortable situations on multiple occasions.  You never know who might be reading.  I have IP tracking, so I know I have a nice steady following in Vancouver, and Qualicum (hi, Mom), and so forth, but unless you say hi back, I don’t know exactly who you are.  Who do I know in Philadelphia?  Or Bangalore?  Nope, that was a Google search for “baby milestones less than 1 month” – which takes you hilariously to here.  Awesome.  I rule the Internets.  Wearing a bit of a blindfold, of course.  I write, you read, and even though you may never say hello, I think it’s very neat that you’re here.

That said, if you are rich, I think you should give me some.

Couldn’t hurt to ask.

Is it weird to say I love how human Avery is?  Yes, Adrian, that is a weird thing to say about your daughter.  First, I’ve only had a daughter for a few weeks.  She’s still got that new car smell.  I mean baby.  I’m apparently still getting used to it on some level.  My mother will say that you never get used to it.  Fair enough.  Point proven.

I’m just saying that I’m endlessly fascinated by that slowly emerging personality.  She’s always had that solemn watchfulness – since her first few minutes of life.  But take tonight for example.  She loves a good yell before bed, and it takes a few dives before she stays down.  You have to try a few tricks.  I’ve read to her and that’s worked.  Walking around a dark apartment.  A firm snuggle.  It’s different all the time.  Tonight she wasn’t buying anything.  While popping the soother back in her mouth (again) I noticed that when I held her cheek her eyes rolled up.  So I let her lean her face into my hand and like magic she was down in less than a minute.  Like any of us she craves human contact.  The simplest of things.  Fascinating.

I guess as long as I’m fascinated I’ll keep writing about it.  Gotta do something about these late nights though.  The day starts around 6am whether I’m ready or not.  So far, mostly not.  Good thing Marjorie is frickin amazing.  Oh em gee.  A deep, warm well of love and patience.  For Avery as well.  Ha.

What do you get a none year old for Christmas?

4 thoughts on “as long as you’re reading”

  1. I’m here! I will admit I haven’t been the most regular reader, but I enjoy the truthiness of your writing whenever I stop by. I too don’t blog nearly as much as I used to, but your words are inspiring. Thanks.

    1. Thanks very much for saying hey, Krishen, and for the kind words. Keep the photography up and we’ll have a regular inspiro-circle going on.

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