the dust is not settling

Work-wise, I just wrapped the 4th shoot in three weeks, the app graphics are nearly done, and we have at least one new client.  There have been no real days off since M & I got back from our gorgeous (and top-speed) honeymoon in Italy.  This, on top of a neighbourhood completely over run with not just Occupy Wall Street and their omnipresent flock of New York’s Finest, but also a legion of trucks, show cars, tents and crew for the next Batman movie.  Spoiler: something big goes down on Wall Street.  Possibly several somethings.  And it snowed yesterday.  A lot.  Summer, I suspect, has left the building.

Anyway, I have yet to sit in one place long enough to tackle any wedding or honeymoon pictures.  We’re only just able to get back to the thank you cards tonight!  Speaking of which, back to it I go.  Hopefully I’ll get some pics done this week?