hey dumbass(es)

Dear Jack Thompson (and all others who think video games turn children into mass murderers);

At the risk of pointing out the obvious (but then, maybe that’s exactly what’s needed), with the enormous popularity of the XBox game Counter Strike, which you finger for the blame of 32 deaths at Virginia Tech, you first have to admit that thousands, if not millions, of impressionable youngsters have played the game. Some fanatically. Granted?

Given that millions have played, and given their impressionability, would we not have millions of mass murderers? Of course not, you say. Correct me if I am wrong, but you did directly and emphatically say that Counter Strike is responsible.

No, seriously, you did. You blamed Counter Strike, and indirectly video games in general. You said the video game made him do it.

So why, and I ask this in all seriousness, aren’t they all doing it?

If the game creates killers why aren’t we deluged with them?

Do I need to go on? Does anything more need to be said? I’m sure that even you, from atop your tower of ignorance and avoidance of responsibility, can take it from there.