
fab FiDi fog from 43

fidifogfrom43Haven’t seen fab fog like this for a good long time.

Now that I’ve ditched Facebook I want to get back in the habit of posting to the venerable old blog, even if it’s just a couple of lines.  We’ll see how it goes.  By all means post a comment to let me know you’re interested.  Otherwise it’s pretty much talking to myself.  Not that that would be especially unusual.  I don’t mind that at all.  Still, it would be nice to know somebody swings through here once in a while.

In case it needs said, I still wake up every single day loving my life.  I love Manhattan and I love my job and I love the people I work with.  And I love having M here on her extended visit (hello, border people!  And while I’m on the subject, I do have to measure my words on that particular subject carefully to avoid misunderstandings with the kind folks at the border, who are in fact familiar with Google, so be advised).

As a company, Fuel is picking up speed, adding clients or schools on what seems like a daily basis.  Not to mention some very lucrative development ideas that could each support a company on their own.  Steve is picking up Final Cut effortlessly and has thrown himself into Motion, so he’ll be able to share Lee’s workload like a pro.  That means we can handle the current workload once again, and that’s a strong step forward.  Once my own workload reaches critical we’ll add an audio ninja to the team (yes, Steve is an audio ninja, but he’s been inserted where needed most).  And according to the plan, that is when we officially focus on shopping the Almost Broken script.  That’s more Chaos Complex than Fuel, but this is the point – we are working toward the point where the two can be a little more split.

Fuel’s short-term goals: fill the client roster to the point where the company can support a(n almost) full-time production team with Lee and Adrian supervising; launch the website which will support video distribution and credit management for Fuel’s schools and public audience; develop and beta the iPad/cloud-based salon management app; plan future direction of the Fuel Education System series.  That’s just the stuff on the table right now.  We have other projects waiting in line.

That’s Fuel.  Meanwhile, Chaos Complex is on the home stretch in development of the Almost Broken script, which includes the bible and one-sheets.  Marjorie has approved the story, which is not a small endorsement, frankly.  When the AB package is complete, we start shopping it out (and we know some people).  While that’s happening, we go straight back into continuing development of one of the other two series that are keeping us up at night, and the feature, of course.  We have a private forum with perhaps 200 solid ideas ready to go to the drawing board, so choosing where to throw our energy isn’t easy.  The ones on the table are the ones that really do keep us up at night.  If Matt actually lived here…

The Fuel/Chaos machine is rolling.  We are getting organized and formalized.  Just in time, I think.  Last night was foggy.  This morning is crystal clear.

crystal clear from 43

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