

whut? Dido is playing in Victoria in May? At the Royal? I don’t have tickets yet? Tickets are how much?

Oh Dido my love. The things I do for you. The liberties you take with my enraptured heart.

“raptured”. Not “ruptured”. Can I get a doctor here?

Oh. I had the unfortunate mischance of looking at a site selling them for $170 each plus a ten dollar (US) bullshit charge, sold only in pairs. Apparently they’re actually only fiddy buck.

I love her again.

Now… May 16 is a Sunday. I’m supposed to be doing a retro show that night. gah. Someone may or may not accidentally pull the fire alarm at a club I may or may not be playing at.

6 thoughts on “mmmDidolicious”

  1. dude i saw those too. man that is a lot of money. i saw some which were $130 each but thats still too much money, times two. who do they think she is, Paul Oakenfold? just kidding. really.

    but seriously we need to find a way.

    I’m going to talk to Casper tonight about that Sunday. See if we can bring in the alternate a little ahead of schedule.

  2. we need to find out who is promoting the show and put our finger in their bum.

    Assuming they like that sort of thing of course.Or maybe they would give us the tickets so we would take our fingers out of their bum, because collectively that may be awkward.

    I’m going to go now.

  3. seems to me you’re the last person to want to joke about fire alarms at clubs…

    sure is warm in here…fire or a fever?
    (same thing in the end).

  4. Yes, the irony did cross my mind. Black comedy at its finest. *sigh* I miss my club. I hope the parties involved rot in hell. Rot rot rot.

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