hear my name

I just can’t get this song out of my head. Armand, you have shocked me. Not only is it catchy as hell, but it’s… happy! You don’t do happy! You do glinting, dark, moody. Not that I would dream of complaining. Thank you very much. Keep it up.

Armand Van Helden – Hear My Name
*edit – I’ve pulled the track for the sake of bandwidth, sorry.

15 thoughts on “hear my name”

  1. thankx for the illegal mp3 d00d. Can u post sum warez 2?

    For the edification of our persistent charming southern friend (who apparently has nothing better to do on a Saturday night)- sharing music is not illegal in Canada.

  2. That is a moodlifter…

    I recognize that background bass line from somewhere – almost has a Bronski Beat feel about it (without the depressed homosexual Briton vibe – not that there’s anything wrong with that).

  3. So u d00ds have no respect for the intellectual property rights of others? think u can legalize stealing? sad…

  4. what do u do on sat nites d00d? kill ur few remaining brain cells by gettin all lickered up and let gay canadians slip roofies in yer drink?

  5. Yes. That’s what we all do here. And then we have sex with our sled dogs. Man, the effort you go to, spouting all this assinine garbage. I guess I should feel lucky that a mighty Americanski has deemed my site worthy of pissing on, but honestly it’s morons like you that give Americans such a bad name all over the world. And you know it. That’s why American travelers claim to be Canadian.

    So, are we done here?

  6. haha, whatever. When travelers claim they’re Canadian, people speak much more slowly to them.

    What’s up with “Americanski”? You’re the commie here.

  7. This is getting old. What are you, five? People speak slowly to Americans because they assume they’re stupid. Quite often they’re wrong. I know many intelligent Americans. The rest of the world, however, can only judge by the example people like you are setting. And let me tell you- you’re making quite an impression here. Way to represent.

  8. Whatever d00d. Look at how u write in yer blog. “represent”, and all ur other lame mtv speak. Ur the 1 who’s 5.

    It’s real sad when Americans make all the best music in the world then Crapadians say its legal 4 them 2 steal it.

  9. I can’t believe this guy can make eleven spelling mistakes and half a dozen grammatical errors in his post, slag his own country’s music station while claiming it represents the best music in the world, show off his lack of debating skill, and utterly fail in every instance to take the conversation anywhere. I take it back. He’s not five. He’s twelve. Look, Colorado boy, you’re not accomplishing anything here but making Americans look bad. Shouldn’t you just bail while you can?

  10. I can see the intelligence is flowing around here. “Leet” should get a girlfriend (or boyfriend for that matter. Maybe even a dog?) who can keep him busy saturday nights. Why waste your time arguing on the internet? I say like many others; “arguing on the internet is like running the marathon for mentally challanged people. even if you win, you’re still retarded.”

    Greetings from Sweden ;)

  11. I came across this website also to pay my respects to armand, but i was quite impressed with the on going abuse, i had to read on. I do believe arguing on the internet is a waste of time, but great work with the website dj, pity i can’t find url for “hear my name”. leet has got to be a social outkast to need to lash out at the world through a forum. i pity the fool

  12. I, too, came here following my search for the infamous Armand track. I’m far too impatient to wait for the CD to arrive.
    … and then I had to read on. Wow, I’m rendered speechless by the sheer ineptitude of leet’s comments. If he (she… dare I say ‘it’?) gives any representation of American people, I’ll be on the next plane out. I feel my IQ has dropped 20 points for merely skimming his various attempts at forming coherent thoughts, then expressing them in words.
    Perhaps you should consider a disclaimer on your site…. “Please have your mommy type for you if you are incapable of dressing yourself.”

    …just use another word for incapable, leet may get confused

  13. Yeah, following on from tim, could you send us that awsome song? If not please send me an email anyway so i’m not left hanging.

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