*** orion overhead


Orion walked me home tonight. Seeing the three stars that have been with me my whole life always makes everything right in the universe. I breathe a deep breath and I smile. I’m not superstitious, but I have to admit that I have always taken a sighting of Orion overhead as a sign that everything is on the right track. Growing up, those three stars were all mine. *** My secret talisman. But I think Orion will always remind me of one particular person (who came along when I was a little closer to adulthood) and changed my life & paid a pretty high price for it. These stars meant a lot to her too, so I think it’s allowed. She deserves the best and at least half the happiness in the world.

She would have reminded me to call my mom today, to wish her a happy birthday. Dammit. It’s not that I forgot. It’s just that the rest of my life ruthlessly demands so much of my attention. I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to two weeks off, just to reset the gears. I’ll call Mom on the way to work in the morning.

Anyway, this life-changing lass doesn’t read my blog. It doesn’t matter. Orion walked me home and everything is as it’s supposed to be, however strange that may seem. Besides, she knows. I doubt she can see Orion without the same thoughts crossing her mind.

What a life I have led.

So what brings this wistful turn of mood? Well, Orion, to be blunt. But aside from that…

Tonight didn’t go the way I envisioned. The club was not as busy as I wanted, even though the people that were there were having a good time. (And yes, Baby Got Back got played) =) So the numbers were down, and that’s discouraging. I really don’t want to give up on this music. I mean, the rest of the entire frickin civilized world is going off to these tracks but little Victoria is so brainwashed by Rogers Media and Sony (along with most of the rest of North America) that trying to push dance music is a serious uphill battle.

People who want dance music just go to Hush. The top40 drones go everywhere else. Everyone who hears my music really enjoys it, but everyone wants to be where everybody is, apparently more than they want really good music. I can’t really say I blame them. I just want them to grab everybody else & bring them back to MY gig. =)

So why don’t I play at Hush?

Well, the simplest answer is that the music I’m pushing doesn’t really fit there, either. It’s too happy friendly. Too rooted in disco & funk. It’s glitterball with a dark side. I like my bass fat & dirty, and I don’t think mindless reptitition of everything you’ve heard on the radio all day should cut it in the club. Turn on the radio & party at home if that’s all you want.

I’m not saying all top40 is bad. Quite the opposite. I play some top40. I just don’t think it’s enough by itself.

Anyway, enough preaching. Most of the people who read this blog are probably not only tired of hearing it, but completely understanding. So, enough said.

My deep & heartfelt thanks to the kids that did come out. I was too busy trying to get you on the dancefloor to come do shots and be sociable, but in retrospect maybe the one would have helped the other. I was sorry to see you go just when I was getting warmed up. I very much look forward to getting you all out again, and yes, you can have your damned Destiny’s Child. =)

Yeah, thanks to everyone. It meant a lot, on a Thursday when just about all of you have to work in the morning. Three different groups of you that I didn’t even get a chance to introduce around. Nuts. Well…

I’ve been tapped to do a large party at the Upstairs next Tuesday, the 16th, which WILL be a commercial gig. All the music you’ve been getting mashed to from the last few decades. A sincere, for real, rager party. Both of the Keg restaurants & Sauce (?) & somebody else, plus guests, plus the doors will be open to the public… last year was over 350 people. By all means come hang. There WILL be time for shots that night. Commercial gigs are a no-brainer. I’m looking forward because it will be like the old days at 11Stones, and Johnny knows exactly what I’m talking about, don’t you, old boy.

Well, my soul is eased, thanks to Orion. The music & the faces tonight were great. Life is good, and I’m even pretty sure Mom will forgive me for not calling. I have a two week vacation from the Day Job coming up in a week, and I have no idea what I’m going to do with it. I kinda like that too. A trip to Van is definitely in order, but that goes without saying. Plans for NYE? Well, not yet. But that’s nothing new. I should really get some Xmas shopping done. Time flies.

Thanks, Orion, and thank you to those smiling faces that made tonight worthwhile.

Dance. And sleep so you can dance again.

1 thought on “*** orion overhead”

  1. Oh Tuesday. It’s awn!

    smiles.. Orion has always felt like a special protector in the sky for me too and whenever I see the pattern I smile and just like you, feel that all is right in my world and I have someone watching over me. I was really happy to read this post and see that someone else shares that kind of a feeling. Rock on Orion brother!

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