matrix preload

bottom line: thoroughly enjoyed. worthy of the big screen at silver city. more details tomorrow. dj tired.

5 thoughts on “matrix preload”

  1. Glad you had a good time, even if it wasn’t with me:( I would have had a good time with Keannu too! Yum. Who needs plot?


    Keannu is the epitome of nastiness… and boringness…

    I will not rest until my Anti-Keannu Campaign has suceeded. :)

  2. I already signed that petition, thankyouverymuch… I know of someone much hotter…and smarter – two for the price of one!

  3. Ahh, Keannu. Boring ….yes. Dumb some might say, again I will agree. But he does make very nice eye candy. You’re right though Toki, there are much hotter. Now for something completely different, what ever happened to “Ace”? I missed that whole transformation.

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