who am i?

– Adrian Taverner. No middle name. Never felt the need.
– Born more or less in Sparwood, BC. If Vancouver is in the bottom left corner of BC, Sparwood is in the bottom right.
– Drew first breath about 2:30 in the morning, June 29, 1971. Always been Night People.
– I love music. duh. I hate top40. duh.
– I love drawing, but I don’t do nearly enough of it and the stuff I do I keep giving away.
– I love painting, but oil intimidates me, water is too subtle and acrylic is a lot of work.
– I love sculpting of all kinds but I haven’t found much opportunity for it since junior high.
– I love writing, but these days it’s mostly ad copy.
– I love to read, but I can’t put much effort into non-fiction. I get enough of that everyday.
– I feel sorry for people who don’t make time to be honestly, frivolously creative. Read a book. Write a poem. Draw a tree. Use it or lose it. If you don’t excercise your imagination, it doesn’t get fat, it just dies.
– I love philosophy and I can happily talk for hours about the nature of being. I already know the purpose of life. I’m living it.
– I love being talked into trying new things. I’ll often act hesitant just so I can be talked into trying something new, something I wouldn’t ever try on my own… like escargot or scuba diving.
– The most important thing in the universe is friendship. Don’t fuck it up.
– One day I want to ask my dad all the questions about his life I’ve always wanted to ask. Has he ever tried drugs? What did he want to be when he grew up? Was he a lady killer? Was that important to him? Is he proud of his kids? Are we living up to his expectations? Any regrets?
– I’m not very close to my family in comparison to some. I’m getting better. We’re getting better.
– My parents are still married.
– I have a sister. Robyn. She married Paul Harrington when she was 21, which seems really young to me, but after four years they seem to be doing better than most married couples. I love her and I wish I knew her better.
– I left home when I was 18 and haven’t really looked back since. When I was desperately broke my mom said I could come home anytime and my dad said I’d sooner eat out of a dumpster. I’m pretty independant.
– I bombed my first year at UVic. I passed one course, and that only because the prof kept offering me make-up exams. C+ without a single page of studying. Anthropology.
– I’m something like a third year student in four different disciplines, but I’ll never go back to UVic. Don’t really see the point. If people ask, I tell them to go to college. And don’t get a student loan. Don’t.
– I’m almost 6 feet tall.
– Medium dark brown eyes.
– Dark brown hair. Blonde streaks at the moment.
– 225 pounds. I should be about 210 I think. When people hear I work at clubs they assume I’m a doorman. Strangely, I have a really hard time visualizing myself as bigger than average.
– I’ve lost my temper three times in my adult life. Long fuse.
– Even though I have no trouble with the idea of crying I haven’t done it in something like ten years. I remember the last time. So does she.
– I do my best to keep an open mind, and expect the same from all my friends.
– I’m fiercely loyal to my friends. Fiercely.
– When I was really little and my parents and I would go out for dinner, we’d get home late and the stars would be out. I’d always look for the three stars that I called Orion’s Belt. 15 years later I would find out that’s exactly what they are.
– I wish I had a flat belly
– I usually have some pet fish, but haven’t got around to it since moving back to Vic. I love Bettas.
– Porsche is the highest evolution of the automobile.
– I can’t see print without reading it. In the shower I have to turn the shampoo bottles around or I get mad that the story doesn’t ever change.
– I love being inspired by others, and inspiring me is the fastest way to win my loyalty, respect, and friendship.
– I’m a good friend, though it took years of training. I love making my connections work for my friends.
– Before Wondermill, my last day job was ten years ago.
– I love art, but it has to speak to me. Sometime later I’m going to spend a week in the Louvre, and another week in the Musee Des Beaux Arts, and then another two weeks in Florence.
– I took a lot of Art History, but I took it all at once, so I sometimes have a hard time dating paintings. You would too if you saw 200 slides a day from all over history.
– I was quickly disillusioned with both the Visual Art and Creative Writing programs at UVic. First & second years are a waste of time. Moneymills.
– I’m passionate, yet temperate.
– I’m told I’m hard to read. Hard to get to know. I’ve always thought that I was completely open. All you have to do is try.
– I hesitate to list my best friends. I trust you to know who you are, and even so I bet a few of you would be surprised to know I feel so strongly about you.
– I love a good steak, but respect those who don’t eat meat as long as their reasons are well considered.
– I’m highly, *highly* skeptical of congregational religion. I think it’s a crock. I don’t care who you are, I guarantee you absolutely that you cannot *possibly* know God any better than I do. Not a chance.
– I don’t claim He exists. I don’t disclaim it. I doubt it. I’m the first to admit I don’t have all the answers though, and I’d like to point out that we’d all be happier if we could all do the same.
– I do claim that life exists elsewhere in the universe. Statistically it must. Has it been here? Probably not, using those same statistics.
– Did I mention I love philosophical debate? Anytime.
– I get frustrated by people who won’t think for themselves. Or who imagine that they are.
– I’m proud to be Canadian. I’m proud of Chretien and I’m proud of Trudeau.
– I can be loud. More often I listen.
– I love the people I work with. If we don’t win, there’s something wrong with the world (to borrow the famous quote).
– I love cats, but sometimes I’m allergic.
– I love dogs. I love most animals. I love wolves. Seagulls I do not love.
– I know at least as many Daves as anyone else I know.
– Love Monty Python. Douglas Adams.
– My favorite books- Guy Gavriel Kay, “The Fionavar Tapestry”. If you read them you’ll cry at least twice, and you’ll walk away a better, stronger person.
– I’m totally impressed if you’re still reading this. *grin*
– I blog for me, because I love the idea that something I say might encourage someone to think about something in a new way.
– I also blog because I’m a feedback whore, and I love hearing what you have to say about what I have to say. Again, the love of intelligent debate.
– I tease my friends a lot, and my sense of humour can be very dry. Sometimes I go too far and I don’t notice. Let me know.
– I’m slow to make friends, but I respond very well to anyone who makes the effort with me.
– favourite colour- don’t be daft- artists shouldn’t have favourites.
– favourite movie- yikes. don’t make me pick just one. Moulin Rouge will be the first DVD I own, but it will probably be followed closely by a dozen others.
– I love travel. I’ve been to Australia & snorkeled on the Great Barrier Reef. Fiji. Hawaii more times than I remember. Disneyland twice, but Jaime says that doesn’t count as traveling. Even though we drove. Mexico. Mother is a sun-worshipper.
– I’ve never traveled on my own and have huge, almost mystical, respect for those that have. DO IT!
– I respond well to most questions. Feel free to ask any time.
– I took almost three hours to write this. I still have no idea what I should say. I’m not very good about me, although I’m using the blog to try & change that.

26 thoughts on “who am i?”

  1. You astound me!

    You have this level of self-honesty that so many fear within themselves. While you handle it with pure grace. One of the many things I truly admire about you.

    You are a remarkable and beautiful man.

    killer! This is sooo gonna look like I copied you when I post mine. bastard.

    I’m very visual and I was picturing traits of both you and I as I read that. interesting how we can be so different and alike at the same time.

    we both mega posted on the same night btw.


  2. I thought that I should let you know that once again you have opened my eyes. You are a totally different person, at times, than the person I once knew years ago. Like I have said before, and probably will again, you inspire me Adrian, no middle name, Taverner.

  3. So… what exactly brought this on? Was it some crazy Wondermill agreement or something? When I read aa’s blog will he have posted something of the same ilk?

    I bet it’s pretty difficult to come up with all of those things. I’m now, myself, pondering writing something like that. I had a different topic in mind and both are good, except one is more selfish than the other.

  4. I’m lazy as all get out, but I think it’s a good idea. Maybe I’ll jump on the bandwagon…as I seem to be doing these days…

  5. Heh, we are *so* alike it hurts… HURTS SO GOOD!


    It’s tough to make up one of these lists, huh? Thanks for making the effort and doing it.


  6. You’re a very admirable man, Adrian. Keep doing what it is you do — it’s working.

    Oh yea, and the Fionavar Tapestry rulez. I haven’t read that thing in ages.

    – J

  7. heh heh. thanks guys. surprised me how much feedback i got on this. you’d think i was hard to get close to or something.

    i didn’t know where to start, or where to end. so i know i’ll do another one every once in a while. feel free to reciprocate.

    and no, Ev, no quizzes. like i said, those that make the effort get to know me. those who don’t… don’t.

  8. that was a crash-course in all that is dj. very neat. learned lots and lots about you. are you planning to quiz us sometime?

    you have made me very curious about “Fionavar Tapestry”. I’ll have to find myself a copy.

  9. Wow, I’ve learned so much about you! I was intrigued from the first line til the last. Thanks for that!


  10. Dude!
    That’s freakin’ fantastic!
    when I was a kid I had a book called “My Book About Me”.
    You’d fill-in-the-blanks about your favorite food, favorite colour, what you liked and disliked.

    “I like [potatoes] and I like [carrots], but please don’t feed me any [peas and corn]!”

    Everyone should have their “My Page About Me”

  11. I forgot to add that I was careful writing the rest of mine to not include entries that sounded too similar to your’s. Which is dumb really, ’cause I totally agree with some of the things you said. meh. always time for more.

  12. Well let’s do that then. Anybody who’s got the slightest interest should do it. Send it to me. I’ll post it. We’ll all know each other better. I’m offering you a forum, right here. Any takers?

  13. duh. of course. it’s officially open for ever and ever, including updates and revisions. but I still want you to start a blog of your own. love having you here, and I want to know more.

  14. “any takers?”, eh? Well, I just might take you up on that someday. not this weekend, but maybe next week. will the offer be still be open next week?

  15. Anton– I *so* had the EXACT same book. So funny.

    My favourite colour is [silver] and I love to eat [mom’s spaghetti]~!

  16. read that… and after not talking for quite sometime, I have to say that I miss that person who I was once good friends with… just want to let you know that I did/do look up to you and if you could see me now… you would truely be inspired…

    take care adrian

  17. we have so much in common it’s scarry.
    ur a true man…there are not many of those
    left in the world…great to learn more about u

  18. Hey Adrian,

    Did you live in Hodges at UVIC in 1991-1992?

    I just googled Soundwave, checked out yer Soundwave pics – you have a pic of my best friend in yer gallery, by the way – and thought “Wait a minute… I think I used to live with that guy in res!” If it’s not you… sorry. But if it is, HI! You probably don’t remember me but I was the girl that used to sneak down to Putz’s room every night after you guys were all asleep! :)

    Anyways, just wanted to say hi…

  19. Adrian – I always meant to look you up and see if you were still in Van or had risked it all and gone off to Europe or something. I’d love to get ahold of you sometime and hear all about your life and passions and crazy adventures you’ve had in the last..5?..years. I didn’t mean to fall out of touch with you – don’t know how it happened – but I would love to be in touch, if you want. Thninking of you always makes me smile, you are one pretty incredible person,and I wish you success in everything you are doing.
    :) P.S , hope you remember who the hell I am!

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