ants & frogs & dogs & such

It’s good to see that the pressure is being kept up for the BC-STV. I’d love to see that kind of power in the hands of the actual population. A very nice check to party politics. Make government about the mandate and make representation local and real. I get all tingly at the very idea.

A bit shocking that Carole James voted against it. She apparently feels it won’t accurately represent the will of the constituents of large ridings. Or something. Not sure I follow, to be quite honest.

So I’ve been scaping the land again, in case you hadn’t heard. In the past couple weeks I’ve built a waterfall & climbed a lot of trees with light fixtures hanging from my teeth (and loincloth) =)

I admit I love what we’re doing. The client is content to let us do our thing, and every night they get to go for a walk and explore what’s changed. I love being creative and solving all the little problems. And then Al comes out around 6:30 and says, “anyone working past 5:30 needs a beer.” And so we do that thing.

I do want to take more pictures so I can show you what we’re doing, but there hasn’t been much opportunity. By the time I really get a chance to put work down the light has gone. Or it’s been cloudy. Or something. I’ll get there. And I will definitely have to see it at night. Find out what I’ve been doing to the place.







It’s well past my bedtime already. Up at 7 again in the morning. I hate the getting up but once I’m out there it’s highest quality good times.

Hope your days are as good as mine.

5 thoughts on “ants & frogs & dogs & such”

  1. Glad you’re enjoying yourself DJ. By the end of the summer you should have a pretty nice tan ;)

    Great pics, DJ.

  2. I am very happy to hear you are back scaping….
    I am NOT very happy however that you have chosen not to reply to my emails….haha – are you and Neil going to free up sometime for the girls this weekend….? Come on, I know you wanna!!!!

  3. re: the ant/callerpillar picture ( yes, I call them that ) EWWWWW

    but the doggie pictures are adorable.

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