it’s been one week since

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A week ago seven of us Millians got laid off. ExMillians. So far everyone is doing well. Nick hit the ground running and Jason didn’t miss a beat. Anton shrugs and continues looking forward to what life will bring next. Todd, last I heard, was busy head-to-head with Grant about new possibilities for working together. Dave I haven’t heard from, but I don’t imagine he’ll curl up & die either. One thing the ‘mill did very well was hire. Resilient, resourceful, very positive people who can take a hit or two and keep laughing.

At the ‘mill every light in the place is cranked to full. Except for the green one.

Hindsight being 20/20 I can look back and see a lot of things I would have changed, but they all stem from being more adamant about my feelings, my instincts. But, to be fair, I’m sure everyone is saying the same thing right now.

Fair. Well, that’s an issue for another day.

Like Judd said though, I really would do it all again.

Meanwhile, I’m still mischiff-for-hire and enjoying it. I figure I’ll try to build my nights back up to three or four. See what happens there. I’ve been having some interesting conversations lately, as Neil and Cara (yes, you, Cara) can attest. And with this free time during the day I can get to work on the Improv thing, which has been neglected for a couple weeks. I’m hoping to talk to the other lads about it tomorrow night after the weekly sesh.

Speaking of improv, a bunch of us are off to Van this weekend to catch a festival over there. Strangely I don’t know a lot of details. I’m just jumping on the wagon as it hurtles by. I guess I’ve been distracted.

I’m going to wrap this up here and see if I can’t process some of those pics in the queue. And smack down some pushups for good measure. Rarr!

1 thought on “it’s been one week since”

  1. Speaking of the green light – you know what’s funny? I was walking past Panago on Yates on Saturday night (en route to Hush to meet you guys) and they have two lights in front of their door – one green and one red. And they’re BOTH on. I wonder what that means?

    I’m excited for my future.

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