mischiff for hire


“If Wondermill doesn’t make it, there’s something wrong with the world.”

The saddest day in my life was when Fever burned to the ground. I sincerely hope whoever is responsible burns in hell forever. They deserve it. I mean that.

Today though. Today is a close second.

The news has blitzed across the web faster than lightning. The ‘mill sent seven of us home on permanent vacation. Jason, Nick, Todd, Dave, Anton, Grant. Myself.

I’m not mad. Just disappointed.

I could go on, and I probably will. But for now, that’s really all there is to say. To echo Jason‘s sentiment: to those that are left- I love you. To those that were cut- I love you.

When Aaron showed up at my door at 7:50 this morning to tell me my first thought was, “I could have slept in.” My second thought was that I really don’t want to lose touch with these people. We won together and we bled together.

I will bounce. I always do. And so will we all. I’ve never seen such a capable bunch pooled together before, and I hope some of us get to work together again in the very near future.

But for now…. For now I will go sleep off the very satisfying drunk we earned today at the wake, which started thirteen and a half hours ago and only just ended with promises of more over the next week or so. =)

It was a good run, boys.

23 thoughts on “mischiff for hire”

  1. If I’m a little shocked, then I can only imagine how you feel. Best of luck with the open road ahead. I hear Greece is nice this time of year.

    Dude… that’s the shitiest news I’ve heard all day…

  2. Although I don’t know if we’ve met, I’ve been reading your blog for a while. Sorry that you weren’t given notice. Life can sure kick you in the teeth, but you get up, and you’re stronger than before-just remember that from someone who knows.

  3. Hey Adrian – losing a brilliant team is probably worse than losing your job. I went through that when I was in Seattle. If one of the company’s owners (the stupid one) hadn’t f*cked the whole business, I’m sure I would be still there today – 3 years later, and very happy. As it happened, the team was disbanded, and we slowly dispersed to separate parts of the country, and in my case, out of the country. And the company before that, where I quit because of poor management (wow – similar sitch) … also many people who have wandered off. Man, that just sucks. Now, I’m sad! ;S

  4. Adrian, I am blown away that this has happened. I read a post entitled R.I.P. Wondermill on rave.victoria and I didn’t know what to say. Hopefully Victoria doesn’t lose any of you!

  5. Like I said last night, DJ, it’s reassuring to know that we’re going through this together.

    And you can’t get rid of me so easily– a long time ago I knew that it was more than some stupid job that made us friends. It was just meant to be.

    No nine-to-five can take all the credit for how well our senses of humour gel together. We were a huge part of that place’s humour, and we know it.


    And I can’t say I mind where I am at, now… I woke up, stress-free, had sex at 11am, and am still in my pajamas, applying for some pretty cool and exciting-looking new jobs. Life is change, and I’m going to enjoy this unexpected twist.

    Love ya. :)

  6. I really hate to sound cheesy and cliche here, but they became cliches for a reason. Things happen for a reason. Out of this will come an opportunity that you could not have taken had you still been at the Mill.

    Clearly all of you have come away with a love for each other and the realization of how important a good team is. Think of all the amazing things you learned about each other and about yourselves, even about your work and business environment. Now think about how you can apply that to your next conquest, be it with work or play.

    The things you come away with must certainly outweigh the things you left behind. I don’t believe any of you left much on the table. You worked hard, and smart – and you get to keep the friendships and lessons learned. There is nothing to regret here

    You all will take a little bit of the Mill with you wherever you go.

  7. Lady- you know me. I always bounce. It’s one of those things about me that annoys people. The Relentless Optimist.

    Xentac- succinctly put. It kinda was for many of us.

    Chrissie- we haven’t met yet but it’s gotta happen sometime soon. Thanks for the thoughts. I’ve made some friends for life at the ‘mill, and even though I could have been content being a ‘Millian for life, I know I can be content with holding on to these friends. Need a sound tech? =) The site looks tres glam, btw. ;)

    James- you are so right. I think I was good at my job, but it was just a means. A justification for being part of the Grand Experiment. What’s more important to me is finding a way to keep this amazing bunch working together.

    Jason- ahhh, Jason. Where would the ‘mill be without us? Oh, wait- apeiro already answered that. I loved working with you, and I hope we can do it all up Mr Henderson style again. And yes, I think that twisted bitch Fate has been having her way with us. Thanks, twisted bitch Fate. Now that we have some free time (Thanks Wondermill! “Wondermill: We Do Stuff”) we should find new & exciting ways to justify hanging out & mocking people for no better reason than the chartreuse pants they’re wearing.

    Davin- thanks for the thoughts, d00d. I can tell how stunned you are because you’re using capital letters. It remains to be seen what will happen to the ‘Mill from this point. They aren’t dead yet, just bailing. Aaron still has my best wishes and we’ll still be friends. It’s been a crushing few months for him dealing with new realities, and he isn’t done yet. Fortunately, he’s not done yet.

    apeiro- one of the things I’m most worried about right now is losing touch with you. I know how packed your time is these days, so I looked forward to catching you at work a couple times a week for a few quick words. Without the ‘mill to put us in the same place at the same time I’m not sure how we’ll pull it off. Weekly consultations at the “office” at Darcy’s, perhaps?

    gurton- I agree. Judd said yesterday that except for a few obvious minor details he’d do it all again. I would too. I can’t regret the circumstances that brought this bunch together. I hope we get to work together again.

    jim- we’ve had a much easier time of it than that. With half the ‘mill shown the door it really was more of a wake than an isolated, isolating kick in the balls. I’m still Aaron’s friend even though I’m going to sting for a while.

    ev- while I wouldn’t call it bittersweet (it’s a little too sucky, honestly) I will grant you that we will all move forward stronger for it. This group is far too potent a mix to roll over & die.In the same way that so many got screwed by Wharfside and have gone on with the friendships forged there to become extremely succesful, I have no doubt that the exMillians have great things ahead.

  8. gurton, well said.
    As I said to you earlier, adrian, as a fundamental truth, Change always has the potential to be good and prosperous, and is by definition progressive. And I hope the friendships that you made and lessons that you learned will last a lifetime. It’s sorta a bitter-sweet day, in this regard.

    lots of hugs, and hope to see you soon.

  9. i remember the day i got laid off from the tech sector, but no one came early and broke the news gently – at the end of a hard working day i got called up to the glass office, it was an envelope and a shrug, then twelve heinekens later at home.

    good luck to you, adrian, and to all of you, too bad it’s not summer, you could be reading the employment ads at the beach.

  10. I think this is something that just happens in the tech sector. Where I used to work and was laid off I had come in early and saw so many people crying in the parking lot.. I walked in thinking someone died.

    My team lead asked me to go meet with the CEO, HR Manager, and my department manager (the “three man” meeting) there where about 40 envelops on the desk and I received one.. got the “your fired” speech and was escorted out by HR.

    At first I was pretty happy not to have to wake up so early but then you start to find it extremely hard to find work in the tech sector again! My advise to you is to head down to the EI office right now.. Like before you finish reading any of this!! Do it now as it takes about 4-6 weeks before you see anything.

    Also if you have any saving I’d take it out in cash and put it some place safe before you go to the EI office as they take this into account (I think?!?). Anyways hit the pavement running don’t wait around!

  11. with ei, since it’s an insured benifit, it doesn’t matter what your assests are, just that you were working and paid in. to get welfare, you have to prove you’re destitute, to get ei, you just have to take in your separation papers that show your insured earnings and that you got laid off.

  12. “exMillians” – sounds like a mutant superhero league! Hahaha…

    “With the POWER OF COORDINATION, I am…!”

    And werd to the chartruese pants. WTF were they thinking? Honey, NO!

  13. Jim, thanks.. I could not remember.. I guess it’s if you earn money wile on EI.. then that cuts into your EI pay..

  14. Oh we’re mutant super heroes alright. As for the Mill and “what happened” I think the text books will probably say it was a badly managed rapid expansion. How’s that for a sound bite for the six o’clock news? I dunno. I don’t think I’m at the point yet where I can really look back analytically. Things are still pretty surreal. Chatting with Cara on ICQ today echoed like some sort of karmic universal absolute. She wanted the best for the Mill too. We miss you Cara. Can I come play set designer too?

  15. ola amigo,just wanted to say hi and to tell you something you already know,you can’t keep a good man down.see you on thursday for some tunes and maybe a beer or two.choo.

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