frozen greens

frozen greens

So Jason emailed to let me know I could nuke his JesterAdonis link. The domain has now been snapped up for ad links, presumably by his domain registrar. Out of the flurry of blogs that started up around the same time I did only a couple are still around, posting with any kind of regularity. The great majority of bloggers in my circle have moved on, either bored of the fad or finding someone else to talk to beside the Interweb.

I’m still here. Not with the same guilt-ridden emotionally unavailable (but somehow eternally optimistic) angst that used to provide the fuel. Most of the current fodder is political. Or photographic. Not boring, maybe. But not so scandalous. Maybe this is a transition phase between the Breakfast Club and Married With Children. Not sure what that choice of metaphor says about me.

So another blog is taken off life support while mine wanders along through maturity, still no idea what he wants to be when he grows up but game for the adventure. I think it will help a lot that I will no longer be working for this particular company. Not that I personally have any complaint about the company itself. Again, if you need reasons, you’ll have to ask me. That just makes good legal sense, libel notwithstanding.

I wonder if anyone out there still plays blog tourist, just punching links to see where they end up. Maybe the curious have been sucked into the myspace vortex of blindingly bad html plugins and have been lost forever. We may never know out here in the less vapid reaches of virtual space.

Maigen and I are officially done December 22.  I hand over the phone to our weekend coverage and we walk away.  I’m going to Medicine Hat to meet my nephew and Maigen (government’s orders) zips down to Charlotte.  Separate Xmasses but she has to renew her visitor’s visa one more time and we couldn’t afford to do both trips together.  Hard choice, that.  We’ll survive.  And we’ll have lots more Xmasses to make up for it.  Anyway, then we come back just in time to hurl everything into a moving van and bolt for the new digs in Kits.  No view, but an extra 330 square feet of living space will make up for it quite nicely.


Not sure what happens next.  Fun, hey?

3 thoughts on “frozen greens”

  1. I’ll admit, separate holidays must suck, especially for newlyweds. And I hate that you won’t get to visit Charlotte or that Charlotte (meaning me) won’t get to visit you.

    But I’m not going to apologize for the glee with which I wait to have your wife all to myself. :)

    Happy holidays, doll, if I don’t get a chance to say it in person.

  2. hey i’m still here. and i read regularly, whilst not necessarily commenting all the time. miss you on the island .. no scratch that, miss you in victoria. no scratch that, miss you in the manhattan. can you believe we lived only two floors apart for a while there?!?!?

  3. Hope everything went well over the holidays. I’d help you guys move if I could. One of you drop me a line will ya and let me know you’re alive!

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