nice timing






Maigen & I gave notice.  We’re not going to be illustrious building managers anymore.  Rather than post the reasons here directly I invite you to keep in touch.  Skype us.  Come visit.  We miss you.  That way we can be vocal and honest and then have a drink.  We’re moving at the end of December.  Don’t know where.  Don’t know what we’ll do for money.  Don’t have jobs lined up.  But it’s time to go.  Not how I had planned it, no, but sometimes you have to pull the cord and hope a parachute comes out.

Anybody hiring imaginative, creative people for interesting, career-type jobs?

Oh- anyone know anyone who can work in acrylic molds?  Or cut crystal?  I had my million dollar idea again.  Need some help with this one though.  Going to need to do some research.

Just saw What the Bleep [imdb listing] [website] and it’s food for thought.  I want to do some chasing there, too.

Happy Sunday.  Snuggle in.