
car flip (small)
[click for slightly bigger]

Thursday night. I know nothing about the accident. I didn’t get much of a chance for any really good shots without my trusty press pass. Remind me to get one of those. But the camera was sexy enough to let me get away with a few shots inside the police tape. Or maybe it was me that was sexy enough. Hard to tell.

Anyway, hope your weekend is going better than this guy’s.

2 thoughts on “flip”

  1. So THAT’S why that part of Douglas was blocked off on Friday morning as I was walking to work.


    walk softly and carry an uber cool camera, it’ll get you places. when i used to tote around my canon elan II, no matter where i went, people assumed i was with the press/band/national geographic, and instead of booting me out of where i wasn’t supposed to be, seemed to know that i was just supposed to be there because something cool was happening.

    you know, if i were you i’d just travel around with a laminated card with a photo of you, some small font crappletrap, and big letters that say “PRESS”, on one of those pin-on deals. go forth boldly and only get shy if someone wants to examine it in detail, but i’m betting everyone will just figure you’re allowed to be wherever you are and never look all that closely. and if they do, you can point out the verismall words after press, “your body into mine”, and you can just shrug and say it’s a raver thing, offer them some gum and then run like hell.

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