fun in my world


I’m having so much fun with this photography thing. Win, lose or draw I’ll look back on all this with a deep satisfaction. The idea of being able to make a living doing it gets me all tingly.

Cara has dipped her toe into blogging, so visit but be supportive. She’s shy. thpt. Actually I don’t know if clicking will take you there. She may still be .Net Passport only. I’m sure you’ll let me know.

I do have some more blog linking to do. Do you like the buttons? Help yourself. I make ’em so everyone can take ’em. If I had my way we’d all have graphical links to each other on our blogs. So much more fun to click on a pic than sleepy ol’ text. But what do I know. I throw a few dollars in Judd’s direction and he doesn’t beat me for sucking bandwidth so I’m the wrong guy to ask.

So I have heard confession that it’s true: some people are waiting for the portfolio site so they don’t have to swim through… what is it now…? 2202 images. *sigh* Keep UP, people! If you’d been with me since the beginning we wouldn’t be having this trouble now!

While we’re waiting for davin to wave his magic wand and bestow upon me Adrian Taverner’s portfolio site I’ll troll the gallery myself and post some links to some more of my faves. And by all means chime in with your own. I’d love to hear about it. And criticism, too, while we’re at it. In case you missed it I mentioned a few over here.

What else is going on…

I’m involved in a covert operation this evening (Wednesday) that I may tell you about next week. We’ll see how it goes. Maybe there’ll be nothing to tell.

I’ve got some graphics work to do for Jere for a project he’s got going. More on that when I have something to show.

I think I’m booked for two weddings now. Or is it three? There’s definitely some confirmation to be done. I am at least booked for real and for sure for the wedding of Grant & Lola. Her email was so cute. They couldn’t decide where to put me. Photographer… dj… make up your mind, you foolish man. WHAT are you?

I am mischiff. Hear me rowr. =)

What else? Hmm. I’m still up in the air for a photo shoot with Pah-jhay. Neither of us can seem to dial a phone. And then there’s scheduling. I want a lot of daylight and even though the weather is cooperating, between the two of us there isn’t a lot of opportunity. Well. I’m still game. We’ll figure it out.

Keep your eye on the Impromaniacs upcoming performances. I’m sure I’ll manage to make the stage for a couple of those. Oh- I didn’t mention that the shows with Dave Morris on April 9th were a huge success! Thanks to everyone on behalf of Dave and the ‘maniacs. Dave sent an email full of compliments for the company and the crowd. I, of course, was working. *sigh*

Sometime soon Neil & I want to do another concept shoot like 2004’s Fear Foto. Again, I’m not entirely sure when we’ll have the opportunity. But it’s in the works. We’d really like to have davin along, but that pushes the chances back more. We’ll see.

Is it just me or is Gwen Stefani‘s Hollaback Girl really infectious? I don’t really care for the lyrics but the song works for me in the abstract. Wikkid horns. An ode to Toni Basil‘s Oh Mickey. And this success is on top of her very cheeky rip of the Fiddler with Rich Girl. She may just be unstoppable. Which is fine with me so long as she doesn’t hide that midriff anytime soon. She makes pop tasty.

And on them notes I really should get me to bed. If you’ve got a minute send me an email with links to some of your fave images. Market research. =)

3 thoughts on “fun in my world”

  1. Do I get a pretty picture button?

    DJ….I am waiting to hear from you on the shoot…silly!
    haha – I am available next Tuesday after 4pm, or All weekend of the 30th and 31st….? I will email you my phone number. :) xoxo

  2. Tanks for the mention and the button DJ.

    Where you at this afternoon? I have some DVDs to return and some pink to match up. Call me.

  3. Krista – I’ve been waiting to see 1) if you post regularly and it’s not just a passing thing and 2) if you want me to link you, because that’s all kinds of pressure =)

    Paige – I knew it must be my fault. The weekend at the end of the month might have to be our date. Although Hitchhikers Guide opens that weekend…

    Cara – sending you a text now, then jumping in the shower.

    Does anyone reading this have a blog that needs linking to? Lemme know.

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