

I guess this is sorta the place-holder post. Just to let you know I’m still thinking about you.

The Vegas story still needs to be completed. The Cougar Crawl pics are coming up on Friday along with what story I can provide. I’ll be counting on you guys to fill in some detail in the comments.

Man. That picture up there doesn’t look nearly as good so tiny. It needs to be huge. It’s my current wallpaper both for my monitor and the tv. Sometimes you get lucky. Just a quick snap I took on the walk back from Jimbucks last Saturday. The more I look at it the more sure I am that it will end up in the portfolio. And my wall.

These days I’m feeling deep in transience. Large changes are underway at the club. I’m pushing the photography thing up a notch. I’m digging my toes in for a leap.

I suspect the weather has something to do with it as well. This time last year I was feeling much the same. I was taking pictures more aggressively and eagerly looking forward. I didn’t know what I was looking at, and maybe I have a better idea now, but the feeling is the same. Even if I only move forward as much as I have over the past year I will have no cause for complaint, but for a long time now I’ve felt like 2005 would be a new chapter.

– launch photography commercially

– clobber my fitness goals

– simplify my possessions another level

– crack open my music production software

– produce at least one playable track

– conquer Illustrator

– explore voice acting some more

– submit some writing somewhere. anywhere.

– travel more, dive more

I guess that seems a little new year’s resolution-ish. Well, I’ve said for decades I don’t need to flip a calendar page to resolve anything. This is just a list of stuff that I’ve been thinking about for ages, and time’s doing nothing but pass so I may as well get to it.

Between you & me I’m really hoping to make a living with photography. The idea of getting paid to develop my passion (no pun! shutup!) makes me pretty excited. Of course I hope to keep spinning too. They will ideally support each other (and me, the awkward third roomate in my head). But I’m no longer looking for ways to take my spinning global. I’m happy to play a regular residency and a few parties when they’re offered. Victoria has been pretty good to me and I’d like to keep giving back.

The photography…. Yes. Give me more of that. It’s going to be tricky avoiding a pigeon hole. I was looking at a portfolio site yesterday and he had a section for watches. Yup. Takes it pretty seriously. Not to take anything away, by any means. He was damn good at it. No, I want to be sought out because of my prolifficness (oh my god it’s a real word). Variety is as essential to me as… anything and everything. Hire me because you know I may not have done this particular thing before.

Anyone can take pictures at a wedding or of a baby. Look for me because I want to find the individuality in a subject.

wups. I accidentally wandered into a minor rant. time for bed.

listening to: Mylo – Drop The Pressure (Glimmer Twins Dirty Mind Mix)

4 thoughts on “prolifficness?”

  1. following your dreams is the road to true happiness.

    wow, isn’t that a statement of sappiness.

    oh look, now i’m a poet.

    anyway, the offer of illustrator tutorials is still open, she i my baby after all.

    i’m glad you’ve found a direction that really interests you, it’s more then mot people can ask for, but remember that successful (success in whatever way you define it for yourself) people all paid their dues. some of the best photographers around spent years paying the bills and honing their skills (hey, i’m a poet again) shooting weddings and babies before they made a name being prolific.

    cheers, and great shot, on many levels

    “jimbucks” heh heh heh

  2. Agreed on the fantastic-ness of the shot. I personally feel the need to hide when photography and ‘portrait sittings’ are mentioned together, run and hide.

  3. If you need a hand w/ Illustrator, I’m handy enough with the Vectors -> I can help out showing you the ropes w/ sone simple stuff if need be.


  4. Thanks for the offers with Illustrator, guys. I may just take y’all up on it.

    As far as direction… that’s always been my problem- too many interesting directions. I’m the opposite of most people.

    I have no objection to doing weddings & babies and product shots. I’m looking forward to all of it. I just want to shoot.

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