and we’re back

Did you miss me?  Did you notice the empty corner of your brain usually occupied by the latest cute pictures of Avery Peppermint?

Santa Peppermint

Oh, so adorable.  But we can go one better, can’t we?

Peppermint Elf

There she is.  Peppermint Elf.  Somehow my cheap editing makes me feel like Stewart & Colbert’s CG team.

How about the newest youngest Phineas & Ferb Phan?

Phineas Phan

She could watch those guys all day.  Or for ten minutes.  Depending on her hunger level.

She’s three months old today.  To celebrate, we took her to the pediatrician, who stuck her in the leg with a needle.  We are going to have to research “celebrate” in the dictionary, I think.

She did not care for that needle at all.  Her look of pained confusion was heartbreaking.  But to her credit, after a minute of good strong crying, she eased up and took it like a man.  She was quiet all the way home.  We even got a smile out of her.  Dada was very proud of his girl.

So I took a couple days off from writing.  Partly because I didn’t have much else to say in the wake of the horrible event in Newtown.  You just have to get a bit of distance.  Not that you could tell that to the swarms of media dogs that descended on the town, and are there still.  Hopefully the Town Crazy was a solo act, because this sort of frenzy will bring the worst out of people.  Have some respect.  Let these poor folk bury their dead.

Anyway, as I said, I didn’t have much to contribute there that could have been in any way positive.  So I shut up.  Also, I turtled up to fight off a cold as fast as possible.  The worst is past after two days huddled up, so I think that was a wise investment.  I’ve had colds linger for two weeks.  Not this time.  Not when it means I can’t hold my baby girl.  Or my beloved wife, TYVM.  So I quarantined myself off, didn’t breathe on anyone, washed frequently, and drank “plenty” of fluids.  And by “plenty” I mean “boatload” and by “boatload” I mean the levels normally found outside the boat, enabling said boat to float.  Downstream, even.  Bit of a dry cough now, and that’s about it.  Possibly a slightly stunned bladder.  Marjorie took charge of hydration, you see.  She’s very good.

Couple more days and we head back west.  I would say “vacation” but I guarantee I get more rest right here.  By the look of things, we will be going more or less non-stop the whole time we’re there.  Not that I’m in any way not looking forward to it.  I mentioned loving Christmas, right?  And this time I get to introduce everyone to Avery Peppermint.  Best Christmas ever.

It’s good to write again.  I will let ‘er go right here, and see you tomorrow.  Merry Christmas.