Tellin’ it how it is, Emerso

Emerson quote


Kids, dudes.  I can’t tell you the deal here.  I read this out of the corner of my eye while walking down Park Ave, and assumed this must be the coolest Irish church ever.  You know, abandoning all pretence and such for the honesty in booze.  But no. It was a church with pretence.  The five year old in charge of filling out the signage, on the other hand, has the pretence of a… five year old.  A drunk one.  I am dying to know what constitutes worshine, and if I’ve ever inadvertently committed it.  One needs to be aware.  You know, lest one inadvertently worshipe.

The Fuel planning session was modified in stream, as it happens.  Extenuating circumstances and such.  Most of the allotted time was spent on Madison, she who is never shy about taking advantage of whatever time she can get her hands on.  I like that about her.  She has ambition.  Like you would not believe.  So she got some attention, and it was good.  Fuel planning, in the complete 2013 sense, is still lacking.  I’ll clarify – we know what we want to do, but it needs structure.  We have the technology.  We can rebuild hims.  It’ll happen.  Might not be ’til January now, but that’s acceptable.  This last year, for various reasons, didn’t get planned out ’til April.  Turned out alright.  We just have higher aspirations.

So Lee and I attended the Canadian Consulate in New York‘s recognition of Barb Stegemann and her role in representing Women in Leadership.  Nothing half assed about it – this lady walked into Afghanistan and offered heroin poppy growers a cash crop alternative, and she’s turning the results into perfumery gold.  Lord & Taylor just picked her up in New York, and she’s pretty much global in 2013.  I’m wearing three of her scents right now.  sigh.  The one on my neck is quite fetching.  The one on my left wrist is on the official “buy for wife” list.  If you don’t understand the world’s obsession with the cloying old classics, and you’re ready for something not just new but the fragrance equivalent of landing on Mars, you need to get this in your nose.

It was really great to see Canada recognize an entrepreneur.  Doubly so that it was a woman and in New York.  This lady sees opportunity to change lives on a national scale, one family at a time, offering real incentive for farmers to be true to their own beliefs and still be relevant in the global market.  In Afghanistan.  And Iran.  And Haiti.  This is treating the problem at the source, rather than picking at the symptomatic scabs.  With her on board, the War on Drugs seems pitifully short sighted.  Standing O for this lady, please.  She sells perfume, and it’s changing lives that will one day change national governments.  How awesome is that.

So it was neat to be there for the Consul General in New York to express his appreciation and admiration for this dynamic lady.  Very cool.

While we were there we talked to a fella who used to write national TV ads, and now writes off Broadway plays, and to the lady behind Sniffapalooza, who is very excited about my family journey with Avery and Marjorie.  Evidently she used to be an agent, so was intrigued to hear about our adventures in Banff and in seeking a network thus far.  We will be talking in more depth with both these fine folk.

After we left (long after the ugly lights had booted us to the curb, Barb included), we wondered if we should have made more of a ruthless effort to stay in circulation, talking to as many people as possible, but we realize that we excel at maximizing moments.  If we are destined to be here right now, don’t go pressuring us to be over there starting from ones.  Let’s see where this goes.  It’s what got us on the VIP list at this shindig in the first place (thank you, Ms Malleau).  Anyone in the movie biz will tell you, it’s about the personal connection.  Who you know.  Having the freedom to explore those relationships with the attention they deserve is a luxury I don’t think many industries afford.  And maybe we’ll find that our own industry demands less intuition and more calculation, but I’m content to let that revelation happen when it needs to happen.  I really like the idea of looking back on my accomplishments and saying I made it by being good at what I do and fun to be around.

#canadaNY, btw, is four small rooms designed entirely around people shuffling about whilst discussing affairs of state while nibbling canapes and waiting for drinks.  There’s a grand piano that serves as a handy surface for displaying framed photos of past dignitaries, including Mulroney, which for me was weird but unsurprising given the current regime.  While I liked both the Consular General and the Assistant thereof, I couldn’t help but wonder what the place would have been like under Trudeau, or some other likewise qualified rockstar politician.

Anyway, the evening was fun.  People came up to ask us 1) is wearing a tie over a t-shirt the current fashion rage in New York and 2) is wearing a tie over a t-shirt the current fashion rage in Canada.  Great conversation starter.  Also not true on both accounts.  Give ’em time.  They’ll catch up.  That’s how we roll.

Tomorrow we get Barb (and her husband) all to ourselves.  I’m totally looking forward to it.  This is the pond in which we swim, and I dig it.

p.s. we had her in stitches with @BeepGodCalling.  You should check that business out.