for the light in her eyes

back atcha

There’s a first. She supposedly won’t know who she’s seeing in the mirror for a year or so, but today she’s happy to have a friend. Before now she was either indifferent or suspicious of the competition. She’ll probably go back to suspicious tomorrow. That other baby is awfully cute. Maybe too cute.

Another first – that’s the first pic I’ve posted of Avery taken with the 7D. Almost all the others have been from my iPhone. It’s just so dang convenient, and the moments don’t last. Catch as catch can. If that’s still a thing you can say.

But boy does Avery love baths. She could stay in there all day. Just floating around, being warm and floaty. Chatty and just starting to be splashy. She’s all smiles and contentment until you take her out. Then there’s a subtle shift in the mood you can only detect if you’re within a city block.

Like this afternoon. She’s on a kick for the last few days of not napping. She goes down, inevitably, but she likes being awake. She doesn’t want to miss all this experience. So she’s a little cranky while she’s fighting it. Mostly just making cranky noises (literally sounds like endless cranking, which makes me wonder if that’s the origin of the expression), but sometimes winding up a really good purple faced rage. If she were refusing to eat we’d worry, but she’s as hungry and happy as ever, otherwise.

Hey! I forgot to to take pictures of the Christmas tree! Here you go:

the christmas pillar

See? The iPhone is just so dang convenient. I just leaned over and snapped a couple. Picked my favorite. Chucked it through PhotoToaster, and emailed it to myself to I could plug it in here. The same frame taken with the 7D would have taken five times longer. Of course, the image would have been five times better after Photoshop. Still, convenience.

Oh. Right. The tree is actually a pillar. I think it looks very Christmassy, and seeing as we don’t really have to put presents under it this year, it does the job just fine. Sigh. I do love the lights. In my dorm I had Christmas lights up long before I found out that’s what you do in dorms. I also had the entire ceiling covered in pop cans. In some ways my taste in decor has improved.

Marjorie likes the pillar just fine as well. And Avery is positively hypnotized. As long as the tv isn’t on, anyway. I know she won’t remember this Christmas, but it sure is a treat to see the light in those eyes.

2 thoughts on “for the light in her eyes”

  1. I remember little Miss Paige being so very “alert” or “nosey” as I chose to call her!! My niece’s parents use a “noise machine” and that seems to cut out all the other distractions of life and keep her bored and sleepy!?!?! Just sayin!! They bring that thing EVERYWHERE!!!! Love watching the Little Bunny grow with her beautiful family!! We love you guys so much!! Miss you!! XOXO <3

    1. We definitely use a similar thing. I built a 5 hour mix of brown noise – more natural sounding than white noise, very much like a waterfall – and we play it on an endless loop. But we try to use it only at night. So far, when it’s bedtime and she hears it, you can see her eyes get heavy right away. Magic.

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