trees, knees and gifties please

Bit of a strange day there.  It somehow got away from me.  We had the village handyman (read: on-site electrician) fix the GFI outlet on the patio this morning so we could string some Christmas lights out there.  It went smoothly enough but it messed with the schedule.  Power interruptions meant patchy intertubes, which has a shocking effect on your day.  Also, Marjorie went to the gym (!!) and while Avery was a perfect gem, she can’t help but be a distraction.  Still loves elevators.  Still heart-floodingly adorable.  And in the end, we kept the lights inside.  Whatayagonnado.

So I didn’t accomplish everything on my list.  Still have some things to do with CBcom and for the app.  But with some help from Robyn and Marjorie I have the gifties for the nephews sorted.  Woo!  Now the bigger challenges of, on the Taverner side, the Cutthroat Christmas gift, and on the Phillips side, the Gift For Somebody and the Stocking For Somebody.  All very fun, but I like giving them all the energy and imagination they deserve.  It can be tricky finding the time for that.  Last year, in revenge by proxy for a lifetime of mandarin oranges in the toe of my stocking, I stuffed David’s with an entire box of individually wrapped mandarins.  See?  Fun like that.  Of course he also got a for-real stocking.  I’m shocked you would even ask.

[Aside: how the hell can that dog bark for four hours without pause?  I said pause.  Lack of paws would be a perfectly good excuse for a barkathon.]

Here is a random thing:

The Smegerator

There is an actual company making fridges and calling itself Smeg.  This begs the question: Have they not heard of Red Dwarf?  And if they have, does that not make them the coolest fridge (SWIDT?) company ever?

So.  My knee is pretty much buggered.  I have to decide what to do about that.  I kinda need to be able to chase after my little girl, both of us screaming and giggling and running rings around Mum as she rolls her eyes at us, in the not too distant future.  Also, I really enjoy working on set, and those are very long days on your feet.  Not to mention some gear lugging.  Never mind strapping on the steadicam rig.  I could go on.  I need my knee.  So.  I guess there isn’t much deciding to be done.  Just some sort of professional looking at.

But more importantly in the right now sense, I completely forgot to take a picture of our Christmas Tree!  Excite!  Maybe tomorrow.  After sleep.

Happy Tuesday, Christmas lovers!