marriage & hockey

evgenya - train

Those pics are coming soon, promise. Most likely Friday when I have a tiny bit of time, but possibly tomorrow if I can jam it in. I’ll try to jam it in.

I’ve got to get to bed, but had to cruise through and say that Starsky & Hutch is worth seeing even if you haven’t seen the original series, but if you have then it’s almost a must. They used so many of the classic moments I lost count. Good times, indeed.

What have I been doing with my days? Working for a landscaping outfit. I’m thoroughly enjoying it, but it means I leave the house at around 7:30 or 8 and I’m maybe home by 5:30. And then I’m not good for much except zonking out in front of a movie. It’ll get better as I get conditioned to the hard work outside, but until then I’m sorta beat to the bone at the end of the day. So I’m not avoiding you, Lisa Marie. =) [muah]

Has everyone read about the Secret yet? How’s that going for you so far?

I also wanted to get my two cents in over the Bertuzzi thing. Yes, he got what the incident called for. No, he shouldn’t be punished further. As long as the NHL sanctions scrapping it has to be accepted that once in a while an unlucky punch is going to do some actual damage. It was just that and nothing more: a very unlucky shot that could have happened to anyone. Look at it this way- if Moore had got up & skated away then what would have happened? Possibly a five minute major. That’s it. So try & keep perspective here.

Should fighting be allowed? Yes. It’s part of the game and the players would not have it any other way. And the vast majority of the fans feel the same. These boys are tough. They can take it. Once in a while accidents happen, and they all accept that. So should you. Once again it falls to the parents to teach their children right & wrong, so they should quit trying to shove the job on the media’s shoulders.