Zombie Incursion, Prologue

Hooray for sleep!

Mum and Avery, roughing it in a luxury apartment in Manhattan.

Posting from the iPhone. The Taverners are camping at chez Baran for the next couple nights while Hurricane Sandy does her thing. Irene was a snoozer last time, but we have been sternly advised not to compare the two. Sandy is all about the big left hook when she bounces off an icy front coming down from Canada. Thanks Canada. Now she’s angry. We’re supposedly in for a long and windy storm. Frankenstorm. Biggest in decades and blah blah. We brought clothes and such for four days. And we’re midtown New York. Not like the stores are closing.

So we’re cozy and pretty well supplied. Had delicious Thai from across the street. If there is to be a storm, this is the calm before it.

I brought my rain gear for me and the camera, just in case it gets proper interesting.

Avery is handling it all with grace and aplomb. Which is to say, sleeping through it.

The shoot scheduled for Monday has been canceled, which is what happens with most of the city when transit shuts down. True story. The system that shuffles millions of people every day was suspended at 7pm to prepare for the storm. Makes sense, and I support a move that saves lives and time in the long run. But still. No subway in New York. That’s a huge thing. A dang nuisance.

That said, it’s no big deal so long as the power stays up. Gotta have my internets.

Hear that, internets? Hold together.

I suddenly wonder if I shouldn’t hit Home Depot tomorrow for anti-zombie supplies.

More news as it happens.