pics of freaks

(that title should be good for a hojillion hits)

hulk, but hawtHalloween pics are up, including Darcy’s, Upstairs, and the “all-night dance party at an undisclosed location” which turned out to be Playzone just off of Admirals. Awesome venue. You can click that awesome green belly to get to the pics.

Yes, I shaved. Clark never had facial hair, even when he was evil. Not like Evil Spock, who had to have the goat so you’d know he was evil. All of which goes to say that I’m growing it back. Unless a hottie declares she’ll never kiss me again if I do. I am a man of priorities, after all.

Actually, when I worked at Legends I posted a poll the first time I shaved it off. The “grow it back” votes won by just a few. So I did.

Don’t forget to leave your comments in the gallery. I’ll never develop as an artist or superhero without your input. =)

1 thought on “pics of freaks”

  1. thanx for posting your trippy pics of the halloween rave.. fantastic! good memories. What a night.

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