old & new

I said I’d post the pic with the old & new offices pointed out, and I added it to the volume it belongs in, age wise, over here. Click on it for the mahsseeeeve size version.

I was going to post it here too, but 1) I’d rather send y’all over to the gallery so I can collect more feedback, and 2) it looks like ass at 500px.

Once I get one or two more stacks of prints scanned up I’ll add myself to the PhotoBlogs index and see how I do against the mightys Davin & Jim. Thanks for the inspiration and establishing The Bar, yo.

2 thoughts on “old & new”

  1. that is SO funny! You crack me up DJ!

    sorry, it just looked so empty without without any comments…

    the one with you in it and the four .. arches .. is my favorite of the bunch. sir, nicely done, dj, sir!

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