
Danger. Amy delivered my camera yesterday and the repairs look great. Still got a stupid plastic locking ring but that’s all they make for the F-65. Bitches. The body still has a couple nicks but concrete driveways will do that. And the action sounds a bit slower than before but smooth, so I’ll take it. Thanks, Amy. Good as new.

Of course, now I have a camera again. My trusty SLR, which will doubtless travel with me everywhere I go again (except for today. I forgot it at the Mill). ha!

So I threw in my one roll of film, true B&W. Hopefully that will restrain me a bit. B&W demands better composition and more thought. I know it doesn’t have to, duh, but that’s my own personal rule.

Neil made a good suggestion. He’s going to get a digital, but keep his SLR for those shots that justify the old fashioned electro-mechanical touch. Well, we’ll see if my budget can hack it. Otherwise, if you’re in the market for a $600 Nikon F-65, $70 circular polarizing filter, $35 button remote shutter release, mini-tripod & kit case… lemme know. Just repaired, serviced & cleaned. Might let the whole works go for $400. Ouch. Maybe. She’s my baby.

That reminds me. I should stick some of those other black & whites in the gallery. So much to do, so little time for self-indulgence. Think I’ll go watch hockey…

4 thoughts on “danger”

  1. No! don’t waste your time watching those filthy Canucks. Losers. I love them really, but they are sucking ass. (in a bad way)

    Good ha ha with the empress pic btw. I didn’t know you felt that way about me:)

    Yeah dude, don’t replace the SLR! Two totally different entities in my mind.

    …I’m excited to see what pics you can come up with, DJ. :)

    And, Neil, I think the message in that picture was meant for me?

    Not to be a bitch or anything. Heh.

  2. dood we should go one some walks and take pictures! Im just getting into photography, i bet it would be fun going with another equipt person.

    any time any place


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