duck shot

duck mac

Back when I lived in Vancouver my good buddy Alvin & I would spend our Mondays wandering around town with our cameras. Well, he had his, mine was on extended loan from Atecia. Thanks, girl. I went through about two and a half rolls of film every week, and even though we were on great terms with the crew at the photo shop and got an awesome deal, that still meant about $45 a week.

Anyway, after conquering architecture and perspective and colour and that sort of thing we kept ourselves entertained with props. The fave was, of course, the duck. Once I get my three shoeboxes of pictures organized I’ll post the pics. The Duck Files. It should be Alvin’s baby, really. I’ll make sure he gets the credit when the time comes. It was his duck. *grin*

I’ve got to find $200 somewhere to pay for the repairs to my SLR, which Amy was kind enough to bully me into fixing a few weeks ago. Then, unfortunately, I’ll have a camera again. It’s an SLR, so I’ll be tempted to spend a bundle on film. Restraint. I persevere because one day soon I’ll have a digital cam. Doesn’t have to be an ubercam, but I know enough about them to know I’ll be spending about a grand. Then again, the new camera may have to wait. I’m saving up for the best birthday present ever.

On the other other hand, Aaron & I have a scheme up our sleeves which might let me do both. I’m kinda waiting till he has a free minute to help me pull it off. As if any of us have much in the way of free minutes these days. Non-stop excitement around here, yes? But if I do get that cam you guys will be the first to know. This’ll become a photoblog and you’ll get tired of looking at yet another pic of… leaves or ham or shadows or clouds or rainbows or cellophane or wet cardboard or blue christmas lights.

13 thoughts on “duck shot”

  1. What’s this magic scheme you and aaron have cooked up for the DC? sounds like a secret so I had to ask. If it works for you, sign me up! I asked for one for my b-day from my folks. My mother says over the phone to me, “Sure, Genya. *she turns to my dad. whispers “how much for a digital camera?”, she turns back to the phone and says “hmmm. Try again.” oh well. I guess I’ll have to wait for a Real Job which shouldn’t be much later than 2012. I’m patient.

    bah! that’s frustrating. a brain full of the stuff you know should be pulling fat cheques on a regular basis. something is wrong with the system when yokels who can throw a pass or take a hit are making millions while the universe wanders around getting poked with tiny little budgets.

  2. dj, a grand is an uber camera! Holy. I’m just going for a 3.2 megapixel. Has all the toys I want and I have yet to blow a picture up over 8×10. If I do want to however, I will take pics with my SLR. That is the plan anyway. Experiment again and again with the digital and then I may get an idea what I could shoot with the SLR.

    Then again I have to get there first, which is only half way to a grand I might add.

    Sony DSC-P72 if anyone wants to buy me one :)

  3. good point Adrian. Just read that a new character on Dawsons Creek makes more money than her Dad, he is an engineer at a nuclear powerplant. She also makes more money in one episode than her roomate does in a year.

    Yeah, something is wrong.

  4. This sucks. For the time being, you guys need to wake up earlier :) I am at work for three HOURS, while you guys are all snuggled up and warm in your beds. And I have nothing to read!


  5. DJ, you making a photo blog would be very cool… except for one small problem…

    If you made one I’d be so jealous that I’d want to make one! Sadly my pictures would look a lot worse than yours.

  6. I never tire of looking at photos!!! I can’t wait til you begin a photoblog – more things to look at = good.

    By the way, when in the market to purchase a digital camera, what sorts of things would one watch out for? (I’m thinking of buying one, but have no concept of what sort of options I should be looking for).

    luv tams

  7. Thanks dj! I don’t usually get that kind of support from tax-payers. I shall quote you next time we lobby the government for more funding. better yet, just come with us. :)

  8. reeeeely. what makes a good picture then?

    Tam: I like a lot of flexibility with aperture and shutter speeds, and cycle time is a pretty big issue now. I’ll also want a remote shutter release. I’m also really partial to being able to use SLR lenses, and as soon as you start talking cross-compatibility like that the price jumps through the roof. I may settle for something with a lot of range, like 28-300 or something. I’ll be doing a lot more research before I buy, so I’ll keep you posted and we can compare notes.

  9. Tam: Like most things consumer like, I would say it depends on what you want to use it for. If you are looking at quality pictures with a simple design, say similar to a 35 mm point and shoot, there are lots out there without spending more than $500. Let me put it this way, unless you are planning on enlarging and printing off lots of photo’s anything around 2 megapixels is plenty. Try and stick with camera companies, like canon, olympus, etc instead of pc companies, HP and the sort. Funny thing is, people go out and buy large megapicxel camera’s but always take pictures in a smaller format to save space on the memory stick.

    Good luck :)

  10. Good pictures are ones where people say, “hey, that’s a good picture”… I guess I just don’t show people enough of my pictures… I probably just don’t have enough pictures… but anyway.

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