

Say what you like. That is one sexy piece of hardware. Now I need only two things to happen:

1. the price needs to fall by about 80%.

2. North America needs a service provider that doesn’t suck dead donkey balls. That’s right, you heard me. I’ve now tried three Canadian outfits and I can say with confidence that none of them really want my business. Companies that want my business do not administer 3-year long prostate exams without at least the gesture of a reach around. Contracts are retarded. That’s why the law forces you stupid, short-sighted companies to have a buy-out clause. And change is in the wind. Canadian laws governing the industry are changing, freeing up service providers to compete more aggressively. Soon it will not only be nice, but necessary, to show me some love.

And then I may ditch this broken old LG (the inside screen is broken, preventing me from using my stored numbers or using SMS and Bell couldn’t care less) and I will buy me a happy happy iPhone.

In reality I will do the same thing I did last time, and shop the various companies for the least ridiculous set of over-priced time-sensitive options, because I can’t wait for Apple to put iPhone within my financial reach. And I suppose, if forced, I could possibly admit, with much grumbling, that I don’t really, absolutely, positively, NEED an iPhone.

But only if forced.

2 thoughts on “iheartphone”

  1. a couple of my thoughts about the iPhone:

    1) i don’t need one
    2) it’s not available here
    3) it costs a lot
    4) it’s new technology so it may break
    5) fuck is it sexy

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