can’t see the forest for the trees

Sixty years ago Canadian troops played an integral part of the liberation of Europe. Last Sunday in the Netherlands 200 000 people paraded through the streets to honour those Canadian troops. Many Canadian veterans made the trip to be part of the VE Day ceremonies.

Canada’s political brass managed to make it as far as Ottawa.

It sucks when politics take precedent over people. The Liberals cancelled the trip back in April, when it looked like leaving town would be a bad idea with their government so unstable. Probably true. Thanks for making that possible through gross mismanagement of party and government funds.

I also blame Harper. A lot. I think he’s a complete idiot. Complete. Utter. Idiot. With zero interest in governing the people of Canada. Anyone pitching their vote in his direction has some serious damage upstairs if you ask my opinion. And yes, that includes supporting the party he leads, because the Conservatives continue to back Stephen Harper, a miserable hack. How can you support someone who would rather fuck around toppling a minority government than Represent Canada? Hey Harper, it’s being looked into. You’ll get (and lose) your election soon enough. Shut up and Do Your Job. But you can’t, can you. You have no idea what you’re doing.

If Harper had one tenth of the brain required to lead a nation we wouldn’t be in this mess, looking like squabbling children to the nations we helped liberate from Nazi terror. All he had to do was shut the hell up and let the system do its job. But he would rather embarrass the entire country. Nice work, ass clown.

Again, Leyton seemed to be the only one with anything intelligent to say, sharing the blame for the political bonfire and admitting that no one is getting any work done.

How the hell do we solve this? How do we pack some simple integrity back into leadership? Is it so much to ask? For some simple competence in government? Enough parroting. Enough grandstanding and enough hedging. Enough stop-gap measures that only make a real solution that much farther away.

Give me a Leader With Integrity And Vision and I will happily do away with the four year system. I’ll follow him or her forever.

Free education for citizens. Free health care. Free public transit. No sales tax. Import less. Create more. Take care of our Home.

It’s the long view. Not the popular view.

5 thoughts on “can’t see the forest for the trees”

  1. Poor DJ. It’s hard to be a Liberal apologist these days. But I guess the best defense is a good offense. Have you ever thought about getting into politics? You seem particularly well suited. Nothing but a partisan hack yourself.

    Are you saying you support Harper? Or you’re a Liberal apologist? And I would hardly call a naive idealist a partisan hack.

    I dunno, man. I just don’t get the impression you do a lot of thinking for yourself about politics.

  2. I dread the next election. I’ve always voted, but this year I’m considering hiding under the covers and ignoring the whole bloody mess.

    I’m in the weird position of being a social liberal but a fiscal conservative. That leaves me with no party platform matching my personal point of view. The Liberals have been the closest match the last couple of elections but it’s getting harder and harder to ignore the corruption and poor judgement which seems to run rife in the last couple of administrations.

    I’m not so naive as to believe that any political party won’t have SOME corruption within its ranks. That said, I also believe that the aura of entitlement surrounding the Liberals has led them to get very lazy. Knowing that there wasn’t anybody else out there who could take government away from them meant that they stopped trying.

    Right now, this second, the NDP has my vote. But the NDP hasn’t won a seat in my riding, ever. (xposted)

  3. Dude. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That’s just the way it is. The Liberals need to be knocked back down to size. They have been in power way too long and have gotten arrogant, corrupt and sleazy. What’s happening with the Liberals is just human nature. The emperors go too far and the people knock them down. And if I need to vote for Harper to do that, so be it. I’d gladly vote for a Libertarian candidate if it was viable. I’m a western Canadian, not a bleating central Canadian. I will never take my marching orders from a bunch of sycophants in “high” places. That’s how me and you are different DJ….. and i’m proud of it.

  4. A sycophant takes orders. Not gives them.

    Who recently accused you of being a bleating central Canadian? Do you think you give that impression?

    How in the world can you possibly think that Harper is a solution to the Liberals? What can he conceivably bring to the table? Religion? Yeah, that seems to be going over well. Bitching to the press rather than present viable long-term solutions? He’s got that nailed. Face it, tim-tim, this guy’s got nothing going for him except that he’s not a member of the Liberal party. And that’s hardly an intelligent reason to vote for him. You seriously claim it is?

    So. The only real differences you’re highlighting here are my superior language skills and my insistence on doing my own thinking.

    I don’t think anyone expects the Liberals to win the next election. They’ve dropped the ball and they deserve the boot. But putting your faith in Harper is painfully naive. If you’re trying to convince me you deserve to live in a country under his leadership you’re doing a great job.

    Wait- did you just describe a minority government as a decadent empire?

  5. Apparently it is a trend, Tony Blair didn’t attend memorial services, either in Moscow or just down the road from Number Ten in Whitehall. He was busy re-arranging his cabinet after squabbles broke out between junior ministers.

    Integrity and Vision are not permissible in modern multi-party democracies, it’s all about individual issues and which 1.3% of the electorate can be cajoled/scared into voting the party’s way, everyone is perpetually chasing the floating voter using whatever promises and threats they can. Anything more concrete would be, well, holding a political philosophy and that’s just dangerous.

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