
My stats are out the window again. I’m #55 of “about 1801491” in an MSN search for “Adrian”. Who knew so many people look for Adrians everyday? How is it everyone is looking for an Adrian and I’m still single?

For that matter, why has MSN only just caught on that my name is on my blog? It’s been there for eons.

Crazy crazies.

I know. No one could possibly care about my little stats trivialities but me. But then it’s my blog, innit? The one time & place in the universe when I really can say it’s all about me?

Talktalk came out on the job with Neil & me today. Don’t know if he enjoyed the work, but we had a sociable good time working up a sweat. I was glad to have him along, and I hope we can bring him out more often. And there were slurpees at the end of the rainbow.

I’m feeling a little ambitious. I think I may tackle the living room rearrangement tonight. While I’m watching the game or something. Well, it’s either that or do my dishes, right?

11 days til the launch of the Retro Reflex. Start teasing your mall bangs now!